I think the joke is that when the chewing gum bubble pops, the person holding the mace will use that as an excuse to smash things.
My response to the body of this post is https://www.privacyguides.org/en/real-time-communication/
This might address the URL of this post (I've never interacted with "iCloud" so I don't necessarily know what would be a good replacement for it): https://www.privacyguides.org/en/document-collaboration/
Why is this image censored? This is a famous tweet and is easy to find: https://twitter.com/tiangolo/status/1281946592459853830
This also happens when Republicans have a majority. An example was how long it took to elect a Speaker of the House of Representatives in 2023.
I found https://daily.jstor.org/the-invention-of-incarceration/ by using https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ftsa&q=punishment+before+prison&ia=web
My assumption before even reading that was: I expect it's because people wanted a punishment that wasn't a monetary fine, corporal punishment, enslavement, death, or "death but we'll pretend to not see you running away, and we might pardon you in 10 years, but if we see you before then we'll kill you" (exile). I knew those were the only punishments in ancient Rome (and people weren't held for long before facing a trial), and it seems that not much had changed until the idea of long term incarceration was conceived: https://romanempiretimes.com/crime-and-punishment-in-ancient-rome-justice-and-inequality/ https://factsanddetails.com/world/cat56/sub408/entry-6360.html
If you’re coming here and asserting they don’t exist
I don't think "his “dark team”" doesn't exist, because people that you are probably referring to are named the news article this discussion is based on.
Were you referring to "The Young, Inexperienced Engineers Aiding Elon Musk’s Government Takeover" using the words "unidentified people"?
I also haven't found anywhere Elon Musk expressed having a "dark team" (though they might have expressed something similar using different words): https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ftsa&q=%22dark+team%22+musk&ia=web
Your comments are confusing. Who are you referring to using the words "unidentified people"?
When I use https://archive.is/YAmss#selection-729.0-729.118 I see a list of names of engineers, which is surely a list of "The Young, Inexperienced Engineers Aiding Elon Musk's Government Takeover".
https://www.futrega.org/digger/ clearly provides https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digger_(video_game) using a web browser.
Thank you for prompting me to look for this!
I wasn't aware that the idea of a "meat cube" was related to Ukraine before reading this comment.