Shhh, don't spoil the next episode ;)
I had indeed noticed the constant derisive comments regarding Americans,
May I humbly object that without numbers to confirm the mentioned anti-American bias (I have no idea on the question myself, and I have no desire to start such a study either) but without any data of how many comments have been posted, how many have been analyzed, and where they were posted, what % of those were blatantly anti-US and even how is defined that 'anti-americanism'—and I don't mean a few selected examples, I mean real stats—all of this is nothing but personal opinions that may indeed be correct, but can also be completely not correct.
It not only depends one's own sensibility it also depends where one is looking at and what they're looking for
I mean, would I read content from say an instance like hexbear I'm pretty sure I would find a lot more anti-US comments (but I would also find a lot more anti-anything, and overall braindead-shit) but if I was making the odd decision to eat shit myself, I would not complain it taste like, well, shit.
But maybe I'm just another of those anti-Americans? Maybe not.
Edit: typos and clarifications.
oups, wrong account :p
The question was not for me, but maybe I can share my pov:
In my opinion most of this overlaps with PKMS. What things belong in a PKMS that don’t go in a journal and vice versa?
There is no hard-coded rule and everythign go go in either one. But I think you already noticed the difference yourself: it's all about the purpose. Which to me is very different in one and in the other. My journal is about free writing while the Zettel is about connecting (and maybe managing) stuff.
In my journal, I do not try to connect anything, or to manage it in anyway beside the dates. I write freely, a few words or a dozen pages if need be and I sketch. In my Zettel, each notion or idea has its own card and since it's analog (real paper cards) each note is also space-limited (I can't write dozen of pages on a single A6 card), which helps me a lot to either summarize more any idea that is not short enough, or will force me to split it into as many logical/meaningful independent units (and in as many cards) as needed so I can then later play with them more freely.
That Zettel is not something I will ever read linearly from first to last card, unlike my journal. It's only there to help me re-read those cards while I mix (a selection of) them in different/unexpected ways, and therefore create new ideas, aka new connections.
I consider my journal fully linear while my Zettel is non-linear, but they both contain the same kind of things: stuff I'm interested in enough to be willing to write about. I will just not write the same way and not with the same objective.
Already looked into Zettelkasten awhile ago. Seems cool but I am getting by just fine,
It's just there if you need it. What's great though is that you try it (and use it too) very simply without much effort.
especially because there’d be a cost to redoing my PKMS that way,
You don't need to 'redo' all your existing content to begin with. You simply need to start using your Zettel with new ideas/projects and it will slowly, organically grow. Say, the next book you start reading, you decide to take your reading notes in the Zettel, and then your own ideas, you put them in the Zettel too, and so on. It will work with you, at your own pace and it will respect your own limits. But, clearly, you don't need to use it at all, it's just there if you want to give it a go ;)
It can also very easily evolve with you and your workflow and adapt to any change in the way you work. My numbering system has changed a lot since I started using it (as my cards changed too, I went from A7 to A6)... That said, I never had to renumber or rewrite a single card, I don't need to. I simply reference old cards by their old numbering scheme and new ones by their new system, they co-exist in peace and harmony. At least with my analog Zettel, that's how it works (without ever forcing me to do anything I don't want or I would consider wasted time)
All of that to say: don't think you will need to redo all the work. You can if you feel like it but you also can just move on. That being said, it's clear the Zettel is just tool among many ;)
Edit: sorry, answered with my mod account, instead of my 'user' account :/
I think the problem is, they have become far more than a ‘statistically insignificant minority’. Anti-intellectualism is becoming more rampant at a horrifying speed
I do wonder if we have any data regarding that? I mean isn't it also, next to this quick rise of proud idiocy I'm not denying, a lot more noise made by them, and around them? Say, for example, by our dear media willing to do their worst in order to sell more paper/get more page views?
An interesting read, thx.
Flat-Earthers seem to have a very low standard of evidence for what they want to believe but an impossibly high standard of evidence for what they don’t want to believe (Lee McIntyre, Boston University)
This sums it up perfectly, for me. And not just for those flat-earthers. They don't want to discuss their ideas, they want to be right. There is no way we can have a sincere debate with any 'believer' (of whatever).
And why should we? Why should we do the work to prove them wrong knowing they will blissfully ignore any demonstration that does not end in 'omfg! You were right all the time! The Earth is indeed flat, and hollow, and reptilians are our true overlords, and the only time NASA send anyone to the moon is when they were all high!'
Why not let them do all the work themselves, instead? They seem to be so willing. I would even happily see some public money used to fund their 'space exploration' probes if I did not know for sure that the instant their stupid ideas would be proven wrong by their very own probe, the fact that any public money would have been involved in making it, they would argue it's one more irrefutable proof of the conspiracy against their (unshaken and unshakable) truth.
Imho, the real issues is not those people believing their moronic ideas. There always have been a bunch like them. Flat-earthers, doomsday believers, anti-vax, conspirationists of every single type you can imagine, and so on. We should be fine with them holding to their believes. Why? Because they should not matter, they should remain the statistically insignificant minority they are, no matter how loud. Also, we should not be afraid to call them for who they are.
Have we really become afraid of calling them by their name? Amusing morons at times, but morons nonetheless, and shameless assholes for those among them that take advantage of those people's gullibility for their own personal profit.
Have we become that fragile ourselves that we're afraid to simply ignore them when we're not frankly laughing out loud at their 'theories'? Because if we have, that bunch of eccentrics and their theories, is certainly not the issue I would worry about. We are.
Icon is fine. As an Mbin user I cannot see the banner.
Good to know, thx.
I don’t care much either way but it certainly is not chasing me off.
It's certainly not the most important, it is even less so knowing some users don't even see it.
Thanks for putting effort into reviving this community!
Let's say it's some sort of early new year resolution. I'm a patient guy, so I i'm fine with keeping at it for awhile but it's still just an attempt at hopefully encouraging enough people to participate in the group so that I don't have to keep spamming content myself :p
Will see how it goes, if it goes anywhere.
Thx again four your feedback!
In those sad and stupid times, more than ever, we need Calvin and Hobbes. Thx.