
joined 2 years ago

I mean, the AA guns and such can surely just mow massive holes into that thing long before it could make contact. Especially since it is much faster moving. If the sails are spotted they would just keep range and sink it without thought.

[–] 2 points 13 hours ago* (last edited 13 hours ago) (1 children)

Oh I'm sure they aren't great people. They make most of their money off swindling insurance companies for huge settlement offers due to work/car injuries. That said, if you're trying to get a huge settlement from Walmart, they are probably a good bet though. Also I know they turned down a case years ago when my dad went to them about his mother. She had surgery where there was no cartilage left in her ankle. They decided to screw her ankle to her foot essentially making it unable to move but reduce the pain. When she was in recovery they kept forcing her to get up and walk on it and she kept saying it hurt to much. Weeks into the rehab they said she wasn't trying to put in the work. Then after a lot of arguing we finally got them to do new X-rays. Of course they found hairline fractures around the screws they placed. The insurance company/Medicaid and what not all said they wouldn't cover any rehab time after the fractures were found because that time was used up during the period they were trying to force her to walk on a botched surgery. Morgan and Morgan turned down the case, and she reverse mortgaged her house to cover the rehab time. America at its finest

[–] 38 points 23 hours ago* (last edited 23 hours ago) (4 children)

Morgan and Morgan is from Florida, they might be the largest firm in the world and take cases for improper firings. Usually they take their cases on the basis of you won't pay anything unless you win. I'm sure they'd love that case

[–] 129 points 23 hours ago (5 children)

It's a constant shame on the empire now

[–] 17 points 2 days ago (1 children)

If it actually worked it's a funny way to say, let's tax corporations. It would never happen though because it makes line go down.

[–] 6 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (1 children)

So are you going to make a bad faith argument that Microsoft, Google, Apple, Sony, Nintendo, Steam or who is a good company to buy platforms or games from? Note, most games brought to Linux happen because much of it was funded from sales off those platforms as well. So in todays world if you want Linux games, you have to hope people keep buying them on those major platforms.

Or are you just going to take the low road of describing yourself as better than everyone else because you only play niche unprofitable games that most people will never hear of and therefor most of society who doesnt have large amounts of time to invest in games likely won't ever see.

I hope you are right. This timeline usually shows the companies caving, keeping a bit of a difference from directive, selling it as a we won't change to their people and actually giving ground to the bullies so they can claim they won as well on conservative media. The polarization of the population makes it so their media won't overlap enough to cause real conflict, just enough to say the other "side" of the conflict is nuts ignore them.

[–] 2 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

My first thought was it being an incorrect first line and my brain went "and I'm getting stoned."

"She got a rock,

And I'm gettin' stoned"

But then had that very programmed feeling of you shouldn't say that because you aren't getting stoned and you don't want people to think of you as getting up and getting stoned on a Saturday morning. Talk about being programmed to fear what other people think.

Anyways Eric Church has a couple songs I liked

[–] 12 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (2 children)

Whoever killed that Deathcare CEO had a positive impact, then billionaires spent a lot of time and money to try to turn the narrative. Note there were a lot of conservatives that werent against it until they watched a week and a half of propaganda to find out what they believed again. I think it showed a few people that the healthcare system is flawed, and clearly the justice system is. Was it 300 million, no. Was it 3 million, maybe. Even if 1% learned something from it, I'd say that's huge for a population this late in the capitalism game

[–] 9 points 2 days ago (1 children)

How do you think we got familiar with the registry, local and user app data folders. Malware was early introduction into IT for many users.

[–] 2 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (1 children)

$1000 is a felony here. And less than that is up to a year in jail and $2500 fine.

No they aren't going to physically stop you, they are going to call the police, and report your tags and report your face.

Yes jail and prison are different. People wind up on probation for stealing less than $50 worth of things. Unless everyone is stealing from the place all the time, it is always worth it on their end to report stupid shit like that. Keeps police around their parking lot, which cuts down on more crime. They aren't going to report everything, but you're not taking a 65" TV out the front door which is only about $400-500 dollars without getting a call

[–] 9 points 3 days ago (4 children)

I heard two people yesterday at work saying they won't arrest you if you have less than 1200 dollars worth of stuff. They'll just follow you around until you get to that much. People are idiots that believe the dumbest things. Anyone who thinks they are going to walk out of Walmart with a cart with of $500 worth of shit and they aren't going to call the police and get arrested if they aren't gone before the police (who are normally in the parking lot already here) get there is an idiot.

The prison system makes money off those people going to jail. The largest private prison company is from here. "But the News said!"


Trump disbands task force targeting Russian Oligarchs

Shocked Pikachu


"But tires"

Ban all vehicles over 5000lbs to start without a specialized license and extremely heavy fees to have them. EVs are dropping in weight daily, ICE vehicles have been increasing in weight to dodge policies. One is a means to an end, the other is a means to profit.

Profit for few vs humanity's existance.. which should we choose?


Water Usage - My power/water company popped up showing my water usage from December 2023 vs 2024, it claims I used 24 gallons last year and 13 gallons this December. That can't be right... how much water do you use each month?

I fill water for chickens outside, water two small garden plots, obviously dishes, showers, toilet, bidet, and the washer machine should be using a lot more than that...


The article seems to be shittily written in my opinion but I figure if you watch the video (about a minute) it will get the point across.

My question lies in, do you think this will benefit the health of the people moving forward, or do you fear it being weaponized to endorse or threaten companies to comply with the mention of Kennedy being tied to its future as mentioned in the end of the article


Life does a lot, normally figures out how doggy works, but sorry for the language. If anyone here has worked in a cooler before, not just walk in fridges for restaurants or such I am looking for advice. They inquired about boots. I assume I need gloves, but what am I forgetting? ChapStick? Unknown? Please share and if you know what is cheap to acquire maybe recommend what you know. Thanks.


Does this burning at 200 j/g really mean it would be a lot safer or do you chalk this up to be company propaganda. Clearly it is a lot lower than gasoline, but since 600-900 proved to still be an issue, could this be enough to stabilize people's fears you think?


I recently read through this and was just curious what others thought the pitfalls or unforseen issues might be with quickly or steadily transitioning to such in a fairly environmentally friendly manner.

Hate the title name, but I think I have to use the article title as the title.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by to c/

60 million apps keep getting pushed on us, and everyone wants their own... Every restaurant, gorcery store, etc.

Would it not be feasible to install all of those Kroger, Gas Stations, bloat, bloat, bloat apps on an app Server that we just have a remote access to them like a thin client from our phone in a singular app of shortcuts (look like a folder, directory) So all the apps stay installed and don't use resources on the phone. Which keeps storage requirements down on the local device and means when you go into another device you can just log in and have access to all the apps already signed in and how you left them.

Does anyone know if there is already such a setup?

It wouldn't work well with things like streaming services, but it could still cover a lot of day to day apps I don't really want to have to have on my device.


My lady showed this to me so I figured I'd post it here... she may have been sending me a hint.


I hate that the title for the article claims "every problem" but I wanted to hear other users thoughts on this article

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