That would be "accepting the premise of assholes" as Louis Rossman would say.
Man I don't get switching away or skipping through a video unless it's either not what I am looking for or it's not the content I expected/wanted.
Grayjay is also a option if you want to avoid the ads. Eddit* spelling changed from Gayjay to Grayjay
Wild theory: could it have been malicious compliance? Maybe the dev got a written notice to do it that way from some incompetent manager.
My friend your first steps that you should do right now are: Get up from the toiltet Grab a glass and drink it Then make yourself a sandwich Then continue from there
Hang them in the sun, the UV radiation kills most of the germs
Kind of reminds me of Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, but like what you might encounter in the acid ocean.
The App (Drip) gives you after about 3 months acurate times on when the period should start. If you want accurate fertility tracking your girlfriend will have to measure her basal temperature (ar best daily) and either look out for changing cervical mucus or change in cervix opening/hardness.
I was very interested in the thumbnail of this post so I did a little digging and found this: The PDF to the Paper where the whole picture is