Not just the effort, but by the time you buy all those ingredients, you're probably paying more than you would for normal laundry detergent.
And if you use Dr. Bronner's bar soap as recommended, you'll be paying out the ass.
Imagine growing up with this.
I know this isn't your central point, but this is the scariest part to me. They're never going to convince people like us that this is a superior way to communicate with tech because we know better. Google, Microsoft, Meta, and Amazon all know this. They don't have to convince us. They just have to make it the new norm.
I used to mod a good-sized gaming discord server, and I saw so many young people say things like "Well, what do you expect? To watch someone's YouTube content for free?" They don't remember when YouTube was just a bunch of us randos posting fun stuff, and the most popular channels were shot in 360p on someone's flip phone in a basement, and the site itself had some banner ads at most. Even the very first video shot by Jawed as an example practically fits this description. Now it's become normal for it to be a monetized career, professionally shot and produced to be pushed to the top of the algorithm. I hate it, but all I have to do is take one look at YouTube's home page to determine such is the case.
Search engines used to be things we managed by entering specific commands and conventions long forgotten, but if I try to explain to someone the benefits of such a system, they'd think I'm just some nostalgic boomer.
Forums used to be anonymous, and many still are, but not the most popular ones. It's become normal to give at a bare minimum your personal location and phone number.
And it will unfortunately become normal for "AI" to hallucinate bullshit at us and accept the answer as "good enough" or whatever. Maybe it already has.
I stood next to liberals demonstrating against the border concentration camps in 2020, who immediately started making excuses once Biden took office, even after he had Mayorkas publicly bragging about how he'd imprisoned and deported even more immigrants than Trump. For four years, they didn't speak up against our treatment of immigrants, and even now they're only doing so because the villain wears a red tie. Deeply unserious people.
This is one of the greatest honors that can be bestowed upon someone: To be banned from a raging genocidal slave state