Thanks for that comparison :(
Mod a 3DS and you're off to the races. I just went through a spree of buying cartridges from each generation and I kind of regret it. The 3DS will play every game you want and will be cheaper in the long run. No need to buy a flash cart. Not trying to be overly pedantic but flash carts are still emulation, just hardware emulation instead of software.
Good luck on your Pokemon journey! Currently burning through SoulSilver myself
Game bad because no sales is a weird take. Not really sure why you're ascribing a "holier than thou" attitude to Yacht Club Games because I don't really see it but different perspectives I guess. I'd argue comparing anything to Hollow Knight will make it come up short. That game is a masterpiece and it still only costs $15. You should try Shovel Knight. It's not really a Metroidvania so the comparisons to Hollow Knight and Castlevania isn't wholly accurate. If you don't like it you could refund it. Disagreements aside, Silk Song looks like it's going to be fire when it finally releases, but it's been so long I'm not going to keep the hype up anymore Happy gaming, homie
I yearn for the day when violence isn't a fundamental part of the human soul. Whatever political ideology leads to this, it can't be worth it can it?