Too bad he wasn’t marked as “not eligible for rehire” in the HR systems.
If you like major cliffhangers, then yes, but otherwise it feels like one of those half seasons that won’t wrap anything up until S3.
That was my point exactly. Can’t discriminate against protected classes.
In all of these situations, replace trans woman with, say, black woman. Now how does it sound?
Well obvisouly you don’t have good genes, the best genes, with an uncle who is a scientist…
6ft3 and 215lbs? No way that’s accurate.
Shazam can search by humming?
“Get a rope”
Abstaining from voting is basically giving Trump the win, ergo it is a vote for Trump. Again, either these are ignorant comments or you’re just a troll.
Ok, lol. So edgy. Either you’re ignorant or just being willfully obtuse. No use talking to you either way.
Ah, the “neither side is the ideal option so just vote for Trump” angle. Not sure what your point is unless you’re pro-Trump. Is Biden the ideal candidate? No, but here in reality where the options are Trump or Biden, there really isn’t a valid argument where anyone left of alt-right wouldn’t vote for Biden.
So I have a lifetime Plex pass, but my friend (who is remote) does not. Does this change mean they have the have a Plex pass to connect to my device remotely?
Edit: thanks for the info! After I posted I continued reading and realized that question was already answered! Appreciate the help!