I'm over 25 and absolutely see abortion as a necessary thing under the right circumstances. Not so much in others.
I'd argue there's a bunch of 25 and younger folks that think getting an abortion is simply more convenient.
That's my problem.
It's really simple and has nothing to do with the topic of this post.
It's the internet. There is a certain level of perceived anonymity, therefore, the internet is filled with people complaining.
Getting ignored upsets people. They go online to complain about it.
It's not that deep. This goes for pretty much anything that the internet gives a platform to for complaining about.
Literally every point made by OP is real and easy proven
Interesting as the same can be said disproving it. Fun.
You, on the other hand, have a made up list
I apparently
Have a list.
Damn right.
We're not tired of winning, just yet.
Thanks for your concern tho. 😊
Another example of why the gays get looked at with the slant eye, right here. You can't even operate in public without the constant NEED to push your sexual preference into every single thing.
It says far more about yourself than it does me.
Does it ever STOP being "cool" to constantly speak this way?
Do you eventually grow out of it or what? You're just terminally fucked and behave like this all the time?
Explain it.
Your entire identity is based on "I'm gay" "I'm different"
Yes... we're all very impressed.
You do realize being gay isn't some new thing...
Like, who fuckin cares, good Lord