Not the beans!
Not the beans!
Another part to consider is how house sizes have gone up by a fair margin over the past 50 - 70 years. If you look at old bungalows built after the war they are 1000 - 1500 sqft homes, modern builds (around me at least) are all 2500+ sqft. So part of why homes are more expensive is that we're building more home on each lot (just speaking on fully detached homes here).
A "starter home" isn't really a thing anymore.
That's a major aspect I hadn't thought of before, it would definitely change a lot of how Canada is run. Thanks for the insight.
Just *jrand.
Fairly inexperienced with international finance, but wouldn't adopting a stronger currency be good for Canada? We would lose part of our canadian-ness by not having a loonie, toonie, etc, but wouldn't having the euro mean buying goods internationally would be favourable for us?
We could still move in that direction and gain benefits without full blown membership. Increased trade with decreased trade barriers, defensive pact, etc.
Fuck off with this bullshit, Quebec and french canadian culture is a major part of Canadian culture and heritage, and has been since the beginning.
A lot of provinces need equalization payments, are we to just kick them out too? That sure would be good for a major power threatening our sovereignty if we splintered into little bite size pieces, eh? Fuck off and die in a fire, Canada is not for sale.
Plus, losing Quebec without transit rights would cripple Canada, it's our major east coast port (and we don't have a whole lot of ports to start with). So again, pretty please with sugar on top, fuck off.
Canadians now, more than ever, need to put aside petty differences and stand together as one country against obvious, and more subtle than this lame posts, threats to our country. We are all Canadian, and Canada is not open to Donny dump's bullshit.
Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Aragorn.
No, that's the anti-theft device.
"We've had one watch through, yes, but what about second viewing? Rewatching? Binging? ”
Holy shit, that looks heavenly!