Our safety standards are kinda bad, along with headlight regulations and stuff.
It's not much different from downloading and compiling source code, in terms of risk. A typo in the code could easily wipe home or something like that.
Obviously the package manager repo for your distro is the best option because there's another layer of checking (in theory), but very often things aren't in the repos.
The solution really is just backups and snapshots, there are a million ways to lose files or corrupt them.
There is https://valetudo.cloud/ for a lot of existing models, it's about the closest thing we have.
Yeah pretty much what it feels like to me, everyone wants to cram AI into everything even though it's often worse and uses far more resources.
AI tools are great at some things, like I had a spreadsheet of product names and SKUs and we wanted to clean up the names by removing extra spaces, use consistent characters like - for a separator, and that kind of thing, and it was very quick to have an AI tool do that for me.
4GB is still like 3GB more vs running Bazzite or SteamOS.
There's also the storage aspect, windows on its own with what it needs for windows updates can use like 50GB+ of space, and since most of these console come with small SSDs in the 128GB-512GB range that's a huge downside.
Then there's the lack of small screen optimization, lack of touch optimization, and all the garbage that runs in the background, uses resources, and constantly bothers people like onedrive and teams and other junk.
Most common reason is you don't like how the server you're on is run, or it doesn't fit your hobbies well.