I appreciate your feedback! Both of those choices were deliberate, believe it or not.
We've worked together for a few years now, so we have a pretty good unspoken chemistry.
Essentially forever. If I want to orgasm not only do I have to concentrate, but I need very specific kinds of stimulation. It's a real bother most of the time, but I have never in my life finished early, so...
I don't think we've let user apps get any older than 24 or so hours, but we are just people! If someone slipped through the cracks and had to wait longer, I'm sorry.
I love musicals and I love Trek so I was hoping I would love this episode, but I just didn't, and I think it was mostly because the music was... bad? It wasn't catchy, it wasn't fun, there was not one single legitimate bop during the whole episode. Uhura's last line about an earworm struck me as a sour note because... no. Not a single earworm to be had in the whole thing. I couldn't hum a single song from that episode and I watched it less than an hour ago. The only number that had any spark to it at all was Chapel's number at the lounge, and it was barely a spark.
Even Una's alleged Gilbert and Sullivan riff was barely, barely recognizable as a take on G&S. It was to G&S as a brick spraypainted orange is to a glass of refreshing orange juice. You're gonna do G&S in a musical episode and not do patter? Come on, son.
I just can't get behind this episode, and I was truly prepared to be thrilled. I mean the cast tried hard, but in a musical the music has to be good, and this wasn't.
Can I assume you were able to access this account then? :)
Welcome to Lemmy.
Known model from abbywinters / girlsoutwest / beautifulagony from back in the day.
nope, which means there is no threshhold.
make a post or comment in that comm and drop a link to it in a reply to this comment please.
Those are both my leading theories, though again that doesn't tell me why I'm getting these reports almost exclusively from lemmy.world
You know, it felt like someone was putting a cigarette out on my wrist. It's absolutely not my kink, but the shot needed it so...
Also there are a few tricks you an use so you're not as badly burnt as people may think. You give the cig a little bit to cool down so it's still lit, but not bright red, and you lick your wrist a couple of times immediately ahead of the burn. Still hurts like a motherfuck though.