
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 days ago

Not all of it though. I remember Blue from Overly Sarcastic Productions going on a tangent about how he went over to florence (or venice) and looking for a place that didn't exist. Ubi had made it up completely.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (3 children)

So, you've yet to do the Paladins of Tyr, both hyena encounters, harpies, owlbear, skellies in the dungeon, spider, goblins on the outpost just outside the temple, goblins outside the temple, Auntie ethel, and the woads. Not to mention all the goblins in the Blighted Village. Those net some XP as well. That's for the coast. All of that should get you 5th level, maybe even a quarter of the way into level 6.

As others have mentioned, the Risen Road and the Underdark are both still Act I. Act II is the shadowlands, and everything therein.

Depending on your builds, especially if you have a wizard in your party, I would check the traders who are still alive. Their inventory restocks every long rest, and they get new items every couple level ups. I just reached level 5 and I've found some of the lower level armors at a +2 variant. You might also find some spells and useful potions.

If you're on Honor, I'd suggest doing Underdark first and Risen Road second.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 3 months ago (1 children)
  1. Remnant is a coop soulslike shooter, if that's up your alley. Fun bosses, some puzzles with unique rewards if you get the clues (some are really hard and you'll definitely end up looking up guides for most of them), and build variety is okay. Haven't played Remnant 1, but Remnant 2 is fun.

  2. Outward is an indie open world RPG with survival mechanics. With mods, you can play with more than 2 people. It's janky, but it has an old school approach to game design that feels refreshing. For instance, the ingame map is just a map, not a gps. You orient yourself with the on-screen compass and landmarks off in the distance. The levelling system is completely non-standard compared to modern rpgs, as it is classless, has skill trees (with passives and actives), and uses money, not XP, to level. So every red cent counts. The story is honestly not impressive. Not because of the presentation, but because there really isn't much there. If you end up playing this, is because the exploration and builds are fun. Having to deal with environmental threats while you're low on resources (e.g: can't see but you ran out of lantern oil, freezing but don't have a campfire, starving or dehydrated but have no food) adds a lot to the game, because combat is not easy until you get a good build going.

  3. Valheim could work if you're up for it. Though not much of an RPG, it can be played like one with the right mods and world settings. You can tone down the survival aspects and increase the combat aspects. Nearly 0 story though. My only gripe in this regard with the game is that build variety only comes online in the latter half of the available content. Before Mistlands, everyone is either melee or range. Once you get Eitr, you can combine melee or range with magic. With mods though, you can get classes and unique enemies to hunt down.

  4. Same as before, Project Zomboid can be played like an RPG with the right mods, but you won't find much of a story besides the ones you shape yourself in-game. There's a lot to building a character, and you will get attached to them since infection is certain death, and then you have to roll up a new character. B42 just released on the unstable branch, but is only single player atm. B41 can be played multiplayer, and it has thousands of mods for you to tailor the experience. I've had a lot of fun playing on private servers with my friends. I treat it as a survival game, and they treat it as an RPG.

  5. Return to Moria might work? It's not much of an RPG, but it has a loose story to egg you on. No builds, however.

  6. Wasteland 3, though its similar to BG3 I think. Haven't played it online, and I think it's limited to 2 people. Build variety is up there though, and the story is great.

Not really much to offer, now that I realize. If BG3 wasn't your cup of tea you might not have a lot to choose from.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

Yeah, I'm sick of it as well. Having to guess whether my rig will play something at a framerate that won't make me sick because a dev studio chose pretty graphics (that aren't really much better than AAA 10 years ago) over good optimization.

Most of the games I play are relatively undemanding for this reason. That and because indie games don't have as much monetization.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 3 months ago

Oh yeah, super excited. Think I'm gonna try a barb 3 (tiger wildheart) / Drunk monk 9, going Con and Str. Not sure what species though. Maybe Gold Dwarf for the HP.

I'll also try Shadow Sorcerer / Hexblade, probably going Zariel Tief for that one. Or Shadow Sorc / Swash 3, I dunno yet.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago

I've used it to quickly reference rules for my ttrpg table, and as a scratch board for campaign ideas. I don't really start thinking through stuff until I talk to someone about it and I don't want to spoil/bother my table about things that might or might not happen.

Both are imperfect methods. GPT often makes up shit or misunderstands a rule (even in SWADE, a simple system that is not crunchy at all), and it does not offer good feedback on ideas. It builds generic slop on top of your idea, regardless of if it's good or not, unless you specifically tell it to poke holes. To be expected, it's an LLM, after all.

I've used it now and again to summarize a recipe process for well known and established things (like a chili oil recipe or FDA guidelines on internal temperature), but I wouldn't trust it not to combine ingredients that don't go well together.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 4 months ago (1 children)

And, although not as thoroughly fleshed out as Ready or Not, and not multiplayer, Black One : Blood Brothers looks interesting enough to follow. It's basically the bones of the first Ghost Recon with modern assets. I've not played it yet but it's in my library.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 months ago (2 children)

Yeah, meds have helped, in my case. At least benzos, but I try not to use them since they were explicitly prescribed as a last resort. I gotta book an appointment at a second doctor one of these days... It wasn't really working out with my previous doctor.

[–] [email protected] 38 points 5 months ago (8 children)

This worked until I developed GAD. Now it's hard to get motivated and hard to wind down, lol.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago

Hm, I might have to try it then!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 months ago (3 children)

Oh, does decaf make good espresso? I got pretty spoiled with my taste, living in a coffee producing country, lol.


Hi all. During lockdown, as many others, I looked into new hobbies to take. Woodworking was one of them, bought myself a small saw, a regular saw, some small clamps, a drill with a 1 inch hole bit, two thingies with blades on to smoothen boards (called cepillo in spanish, blanking in the english word for it), and an electric sander. However, I don't really have much space for woodworking. My backyard is a no go, as is my front yard.

Keeping in mind the gear I have available, what projects would you guys recommend? Always wanted to make my own furniture, but that seems way down the line.

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