Generational shift means kids bad and stupid. That's all.
A tip for millenials: Whenever you cringe at zoomers for their dumb tiktok dances, remember the badger song and realise every generation is stupid and cringe.
Back in mid 00s I created a forum for fellow classmates to share notes, info on exams and whatever. It was active for a year or a bit more, then someone set up a Facebook page for our group and the forum died in about a month. I could not understand why people migrated so quickly, Facebook group was atrocious when it comes to search functions, any files, notes or anything you didn't download immediatelly were lost to time never to be seen again. If the forum is still up I'm sure I'd still be able to easily download exam schedules and all notes from all the classes there, with Facebook it was a pain even a week after someone posted. There is something fundamentally wrong with society if an inferior product can sweep the board so easily. People do not care about quality or usefulness of anything, all that matters is marketing and trends.
Naleśnik in Polish. Etymology is unclear but certainly slavic. Most current hypothesis claims it's from "na liściu" meaning something baked on a leaf.
We eat them with various jams, Nutella, anything sweet, sweetened cottage cheese or quark or curd or whatever a "twaróg" would translate to is a popular filling too.
Where i live we have a system where if you take sick days, they are paid 80%. 20% reduction applies only to the days you were sick. Once I got sick at the end of a month and took the last 3 days of the month and first 2 days of the next one off and my mother in law freaked out I'm about to loose 20% of 2 month's salaries. She was and is still convinced that 20% deduction applies to a whole month worth of salary even if you take one day off that month. She almost never takes sick days and she works in a hospital... She self medicates and works with patients even when she has a transmittable diseases. Best of luck to those who have serious health problems and then get a fucking flu on top of everything from hospital staff. She is 60+ and reading the law to her doesn't change her mind. A couple years ago she had more serious health problems and took a week off for the first time in decades, even after getting a paycheck reduced only by 5% and not 20% her perception of this issue didn't change. She misunderstood that system once 40 years ago and she is going to take that misunderstanding to ger grave. Real world has no influence on her beliefs.
Shit, man... I agree and I'm in a bit of a pickle now, recently i applied for a job at US company, I'm probably the best fit for the position they could wish to find and my contacts on the inside say that management was super excited to see my application since they were trying to fill that position for 9 months without success. I have a moral dillema now. I'm torn between demanding ridiculously large salary to either get rejected or to milk them as much as possible before US - EU relations deteriorate to a level of sanctioning each other, other option is to just state my concerns about them being US based and reject them outright.
Is there any chance for a future where the economy that matters, real people's lives, production of useful goods and services, becomes decoupled from imaginary evaluations of billionaire's gambling results? It really rustles my jimmies when I hear that a result of some banksters bet can get working families evicted and jobs dissapear.
I never know if they are Jewish or not, the groups themselves are distinct because they are always in large groups, with multiple guides and guards, but I can't tell Jewish or non Jewish Israelis apart just by their faces. Idk why they behave like that. It's all ages. I sometimes see them out in the city but I heard more chilling stories about them from a guy who operates a bus transfer business to Auschwitz.
Oh believe me, Israeli trips in Kraków are the worst kind of tourists in every aspect possible. They are louder than British stag parties, more obnoxious than Americans and their favourite thing is crying about antisemitism when they are removed from somewhere for causing disturbances or making a huge mess. They do not understand the idea of rubbish bins and you can trace their paths by following cigarette butts, empty crisps packets and spit.
There literally was never a valid reason to use this service. Knowledge about possibility of my great x 30 grandmother being raped by a Mongol raider is not even a fun fact to say at parties.