I'm not exactly an authority on handing out the title, but since I don't believe in gender roles I say you're good to go!
The idea is that it's an inclusive document. I think the two parts that directly say they are rights for citizens clearly imply that the rest of it is for everyone. It's a shame we have to rely on this ancient document, which is in some places poorly written.
Good luck getting 3/4 of states to agree that water is wet though, so rewriting, rewording, or amending the Constitution is off the table. That leaves us stuck with interpretations from the courts, which I hope we can at least agree are largely corrupt.
That's the idea, then people who want to see the movie they paid for can go to the non-brainrot theatre.
Good write up and very important to remember. I just wanted to point out that the typo of J vs K at the end there may lead people to think you are remarking on his ethnicity.
You make good comments, I've seen you around. Take it from a 41 year old if you want, you deserve to be here. You're more thoughtful than the average person your age and that will only improve once your brain gets finished cooking 😉
He didn't even write this. You can tell the Difference because of the lack of random Capitalization.
Digital Reality Modification
Like, the other meaning of digital. My mom says I'm funny.
Playing with fire is such a basic human instinct. Never gets old for me.
Pinky was the true master. He didn't want to hurt the world so he sabotaged the plans, flowing through each night like Taoist monk.
So once it stops phoning home then the backup backdoor is used to disable the jet in some way? Is that too paranoid?
So I tend to tear up when I eat really hot temperature food and then I like to add a lot of chili paste and jalapenos to pho. So I end up crying in my soup. I look ridiculous but I just joke that I'm adding some salt.
I accidentally picked up some Ben and Jerry's oat milk style and it was delicious. I do prefer the regular but I wouldn't mind getting the oat kind. Surprisingly to me, the oat milk version had slightly more calories.