You mean terms like „I‘ll stop hurting you if you give me more land and don‘t ask for help from the west.“?
Give me a break!
You mean terms like „I‘ll stop hurting you if you give me more land and don‘t ask for help from the west.“?
Give me a break!
I had the same happen to my Win 11 install. Best ad for Linux i‘ve ever gotten. I installed Bazzite OS on that machine a day later and over the next few days my other machines got Fedora.
I‘m pretty sure the history books will show mercy with her.
You mean bargain bin Carmen Sandiego? No, i don‘t talk about the blandest woman on earth like that!
I swear, stereotypical Barbie has more personality at the beginning of the Barbie Movie than the current first Lady!
Btw. First Lady was always a title a woman gained through marrying the right man. But Melania truly feels like what right-wingers call DEI hire.
It‘s spelled HAMBURGLAR you bougie-fatass burger „king“
Charlie Brooker stopped making Black Mirror because of that user
I recently visited a museum and i really loved it. Getting up close to an image and seeing none of the fuzziness, no AI "shimmer" on photos and every stroke made sense (as in you could see that an arm moved a brush and you could see the path it took etc.). Hands made sense. And while tryptichons were not exactly precise when it comes to the anatomy of humans, no humans had anything smeared etc.
It was the best of times, it was the BLURST OF TIMES! Stupid monkey!
You really don't wanna know how bad he does at queer elections. The only reason he gets a non-zero amount are the log cabin republicans. These sisters lower their standards and say they're not like other gays.
And what would Ukraine have to give Putin in return? The thing is Putin started the war! Putin started the war because Ukraine was daring to enter NATO which you could literally only hate if you actually wanted to fuck with some country!
Putins offer can be boiled down to „If you don‘t tattle to the teacher, i will stop punching you. Perhaps i could give you back your iPod when you graduate high school if you ask me nicely then.“
What the fuck is that kind of a bullshit deal? This could only be beaten if another bully agrees with the first bully to take your phone and leave the iPod and both of them will not beat them into the hospital. Oh wait…