Easy to be mean on the internet, and islanders are sensitive about being forgotten (because it happens so much).
Come to PEI though, the people there are really nice.
Easy to be mean on the internet, and islanders are sensitive about being forgotten (because it happens so much).
Come to PEI though, the people there are really nice.
Looks like English to me
PEI. Shafted again.
Although, it's strange to see cape Breton missing too
I'm still pissed about the hotline.
Lare organizations of any kind.
Yeah, this is pretty much what I figured was going on with the green belt fiasco. They just didn't expect people to care as much as they did, and they didn't expect the corruption to be exposed.
Expelling 2/3rds of our diplomats is quite an escalation.
Oof. Strong point.
What an unpleasant way to die
They can't keep doing this!
How hard is it to not leak sensitive military documents??
I think the whole Canadian military could use an overhaul. It'd be pretty sweet if the Canadian military specialized in disaster relief, and medical capabilities. Our military could be regularly deployed within our borders for forest fires, hurricanes, and the like. Plus: if we trained a fuck load of medical staff in the military, then they might filter into provincial healthcare systems post-retirement.
Its a little weird to have thousands of people just waiting around for a war to break out.
ICJP - International Centre of Justice for Palestinians
Where'd you get Council of Jewish Parliamentarians?