He mispronounced "I'm afraid of a free press that asks questions".
Mango Mussolini can go fuck himself.
Doesn't surprise me - I got a lifetime IP ban for saying "Fuck Elon Musk all the way to hell"
Aww, the Swasticars aren't working out for you? Lemme look for some sympathy.......oh wait, I don't have any.
Fuck Danielle Smith and her traitorous, MAGA-loving ass.
She's been sucking MAGA dick for so long it's scrambled her brain. I can't believe people voted for this traitorous loser.
Doing the lord's work right here.
Trump can go fuck himself, can't he?
The only thing he cares about is money - for himself and anyone who kisses his ass - trying to fuck his own daughter.
Speaking for myself, someone with family and friends in the US, I don't trust you one bit right now - your current government is an enemy to Canada, period.
Those photos of WMDs? They were balls.
Here in Ontario at least, it's all Canadian.