If you don't see the importance of defending our sovereignty right now, then I'm not sure what world you're living in.
I'm a proud Canadian, but I'd be even more proud if we had the electoral reform he explicitly promised in his first campaign. He accomplished some good things, but fuck we coulda used that.
I'm pretty sure Austria said the same thing back in the 30s. The current US government is very much a threat to our sovereignty and should be treated accordingly.
Excellent, hope the other provinces all follow suit.
No sane person should want anything to do with the US and their products right now. They're a rogue nation, teetering on the brink of fascism and a threat to us all.
America is so deeply fucked, and 70-something million of them are too brainwashed to know it yet.
Oh hell yeah - the best kind of schadenfreude.
God, he's such a fucking idiot - in addition to the whole fascism thing of course.
This for sure. I live in Brockville, right across the river from our neighbours and Northern New York State voted overwhelmingly for Trump. Fuck them.
So what? Until all tariffs are dropped, we need to keep ours in place, period. Elbows up 🍁
That's fantastic, I may have to steal that 😂
DoFo proving once again that he doesn't give one rat's ass about Ontarians, only about enriching the already wealthy and sucking Republican dick.