MAGA making measles great again.
Do not under any circumstances come to America. We are experiencing a Nazi take over.
Mexico is a lot closer.
I am sure he will soon have an invite to the white house if he keeps this up.
Welcome to reverse 1776. We are living in the twilight zone.
Soon we will be banning indoor plumbing got to bring them out houses back.
The hottest parties in Texas: infection parties. I think they may be underestimating how ignorant these MAGA people are.
How did things work out for the people that stayed in Nazi Germany? I think people can see where things are going and if they can they are getting out. Life is not fair but you have to do what is best for you and your family.
America is not fixable right now. The majority of voters supported a Nazi. The population has to age out before any change can come and that could take 50 years.
You know what would really help burning less fossil fuels.
Do not come to America this place has been taken over by Nazis.
I look forward to running these republicans out on a rail.