They’ve bragged about fixing the last election. There are no consequences. We’ll just have to content ourselves with watching Tesla burn along with American democracy.
Big George’s championship win in his 40s was no fluke. It was a masterpiece of strategy. He completely changed his fighting style to favor defense and deliberately held back his power. He unleashed his power late in the fight and ultimately won.
I don’t understand the market for the Swastikar. You need to love Nazism, believe that global warming is real, and be able to finance a 100K vehicle. That’s a Venn Diagram with an incredibly small center circle.
The recalls and potential to be burned alive inside also have to be ignored.
Disney wants as many customers as possible and doesn’t care about temporary optics based on hard right politics. Don’t mistake them for the good guys. Megacorps that buy up everything in sight and use their ridiculous piles of money to exert influence over politics are the core of the problem.
Guess why copyright laws in the US kept adding decades and decades to copyright protection from the death of the creator. HINT: Megacorp money controlling laws may have been involved.
Corporate welfare for me; starvation for thee. The central purpose of virtually every system in the US has been to funnel money from the people to the 1% for the past 40 years straight.
No one with any serious amount of power has even bothered to slow it down. The parasite class realize they’re at the endgame now and instead of trying to fix things long term, they’re opening the wounds even more to bleed us for all they can. They’re okay with all of us getting grinded into dust as long as they can squeeze a little more profit at the end before it all burns down.
And all they had to do was share a little of the profit. That was the New Deal during the Great Depression. Just have the parasite/1% class share a little of their wealth with the people, and we’ll survive any crisis and ultimately prosper. Instead, the parasite/1% class want to destroy everything for just a little bit more.
Don’t be so pessimistic. People in power standing up to DOGE and Trump is a good thing.
If anyone still thinks Trump wants to help Ukraine, they haven’t been paying attention. Europe has to rearm and protect itself.
Ukraine needs to prepare to operate without US intelligence. It’s getting pulled again soon. They also need to prepare for Starlink going dark. The US has been taken over by traitors. Temporary measures are for PR. Long term, they work for Putin.
Just wait until intelligence cuts lead to failures that cause the next 9/11. The disinfo machine will be the next Reichstag Fire.
The Trump/Elon/Putin Administration claims that the planes were already in the air when the judiciary struck down this mass deportation, and therefore the ruling didn’t apply to this specific case and by inference could apply to future cases.
That somewhat indicates that they’ll respect the rule of law in mass deportations. If not, this could create a pipeline of Venezuelan citizens in America being labeled as gang members and sent to a Supermax prison in El Salvador with zero due process. The planes leave US airspace before the case can be heard. And citizens of which country are next? Speedrunning fascism.
This is a deeper problem than race. Being willing to erase the record of a Medal of Honor recipient so haphazardly in an attempt to be racist shows how little the DoD is paying attention to details versus letting Dark MAGA/DOGE take over the country and potentially alter history in the process.
Europe already benefited from the brain drain in Russia recently. Now it’s poised to get the same promising young minds from the US.
If you want to bring knowledge into the world as a career, it’s natural to move away from places actively moving toward darkness.
Brilliant work is done in bursts. Grinding it out day after day is factory line work. While that work is noble, the way it’s conducted doesn’t apply across the board. Task-oriented jobs should trust workers to complete tasks, not punch a time clock.
It’s about control. Tech bro billionaires are the only geniuses on earth, and we all need to fall in line. Nevermind that they are literal fascists who are actively destroying the world.
It sounds like an exaggeration, but efforts to combat climate change have grinded to a halt; WW3 is becoming more likely on multiple fronts; and, the most immediate problem not being addressed, the cost of living crisis is drowning virtually everyone. The only response from the right is to squeeze regular people more and pass tax cuts for the ultra-wealthy. There is no opposition.