
joined 2 years ago

Got my second "subtle flag" pin in! So happy, so fucking cute!

[–] [email protected] 47 points 6 days ago

"What if there's too much fire?" remains surprisingly relevant.

Though I guess we do have bigger expectations of what's too much fire, given regular events.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Astronaut or paleontologist.

Now I just want to be a woman and happy. I feel like I'm only slightly succeeding at one of those two.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I always feel mixed when artists draw "play dead". On the one hand, it's much more adorable than reality. On the other, I've had multiple decide to play dead on capture and it is fucking horrific even when you're used to it. The smell... There's nothing cute after the first hand experience.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

You said you tried powdered drink mixes, have you tried the liquid? I cannot stand the powdered variety, either. I feel like you have more control over the flavor and the mix with the liquid varieties.

They've really helped me kick my soda habit.

ETA: Just some recommendations, avoid the Crystal Light brand, they taste like artificial sweetener. I personally go for generic store brands(Laura Lynn, Great Value), but Mio is a solid choice with a wide range of flavors. Just avoid their Iced Tea unless you really like canned tea. That's exactly what it tastes like.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

I haven't owned a tux in 20 years, and haven't been a man for 3.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 3 weeks ago (11 children)

Downside: Ticket fees and potentially clothes shopping.

I'm looking at attending one next month, proceeds are going to local LGBT youth programs, but goddamn. Minimum $35 to get in, $50 if you want VIP, and looking through my wardrobe, I have nothing to wear that qualifies for a black tie event. I'm currently maxing out at "high-middle class restaurant" attire.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 3 weeks ago

Not just that, he's absolutely unspookable without a spine! We should all aim to become spookimmune, and break the skeletons hold over us.

[–] [email protected] 52 points 3 weeks ago

That makes a weird kind of sense. It was moreso the sixteen minutes that threw me, all I could picture was two of them having a staring contest for 16 minutes and then suddenly sperm and eggs everywhere.

[–] [email protected] 66 points 3 weeks ago (9 children)

That is either a very strange mating ritual, or that cuttlefish is a narcissist.

[–] [email protected] 23 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Are we sure you're going to stay frozen for that millennia or two?

Or are you going to be like a sketchy gas station microwave burrito that halfway thawed before getting tossed into the proper section to refreeze due to climate change?

[–] [email protected] 41 points 3 weeks ago (4 children)


[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 weeks ago

If that kills the vibe, you got the wrong crowd.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

There once was a house,

In which you were allowed to play.

To rest,

To lay,

To love,

You were forever welcomed within its halls.

There was a house,

And there were many locked doors,

But you were okay,

Helping the owner open them.

There was a house,

And behind one of those doors,

Was found a rose,



Under a glass dome.

There was a house,

And the owner wanted to renovate

Not much to the outside,

But the rooms they had found,

They had so much more.

There was a house,

And when you came,

It was with fear,

For you did not see

What the house wanted to be.

You tried to not let it show,

To buy materials to help

To give advice where you could,

But could not hide the quiet.

There was a house,

But you began going to others,

And when you came,

You told the house how lovely they were.

You spoke of their wallpaper, their carpets, of how everything works so well.

As you stood on everything new,

Using the old words for me.

There was a house,

Now it is less

A strewn mass of rubble,

That you skip happily down.

Running your hands down faded walls,

You pay lip service,

As you pass the rose,

part of the centerpiece of what this house was to be.

You never see the roots,

As they climb down the table,

Wrap around all around them,

Pull everything tighter,


You complain as you prick your finger,

Dancing down the thorns,

How dare this house hurt you?

There was a house,

And the echoes still ring down the halls,

Of the name you call.

Those echoes fill every room,

Surround all that you claim to hold dear,

Because you can’t see,

That Rose is also here.

There was a house,

But there is a garden now.

I wish you could see it,

To call it beautiful,

To lay among the flowers,

To call their petals soft.

There is a garden,

But that does not mean the house has gone away.


Came across these three Bandai Quick model kits while out and about. They looked adorable, so they came home and got built.

Honestly great for beginners/kids! Pieces pop out of the frame easily, they're fairly easy to click together, and decently solid for snap-togethers. You can at least pick them up without everything falling apart, though Mew is finicky about staying upright in its stand. Young kids would probably need help with the stickers, and maybe with getting the eye pieces slotted into place.

Going to keep my eyes out for the rest of the line, now.


My wife surprised me with the two-piece Mothman and the NB placard she found at an event as an early birthday present! She got me the trans heart last year.

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