Bullshit excuse. When Republicans are in the minority they are obstructionist fucks, getting their message out and actual media attention with performative bullshit, generally being effective as the opposition party. When Dems are in the minority all you get is whiney "somebody do something!" bleets from leadership. This is why we lose, our representatives are unwilling to fight for the people. Moron voters see Trump and Republicans as actually willing to try to do something to improve their lives, while Dems complain about process to cable news hosts nobody watches. The Trump admin is acting lawlessly, and Dems meet that moment by asking Republicans in Congress to do something about it? Fucking hell, do something, show up, fight, inspire, lead.
To be fair, Meta is the only US based AI player that open sources their models. Fuck meta in general, but it's hard to say that they are wholly opposed to open source.
I look forward to Republicans in the House holding hearings to get to the bottom of this. Because Republicans held hearings when they accused social media of censoring conservative opinions. Because Republicans care about free speech. And even though this effects free speech of the other party, Republicans still care about free speech, right? Republicans will hold social media companies accountable for any censorship of political speech, right? Guys? There are going to be hearings right? Well, at least if not journalists are going to press those committee members about the inconsistency, right? Journalists will surely do their jobs. Right guys?
In my own polianish way, I find this cultaral exchange on rednote both wholesome and also it gives me hope for something more. The Chinese people are obviously oppressed by their government, but it's not that much better here (corporate oligarchy) and is about to get a lot worse. Two peoples whose overlords have tried to convince them that the other country is an enemy, coming together and finding common ground. Maybe working together for a better common outcome, despite both governments trying to keep them apart. I can dream anyway.
Can't beat lawnchair Larry
A taste:
Larry planned to sever the anchor and lazily float to a height of about 30 feet above the backyard, where he would enjoy a few hours of flight before coming back down. But things didn't work out quite as Larry planned.
When his friends cut the cord anchoring the lawnchair to his Jeep, he did not float lazily up to 30 feet. Instead he streaked into the LA sky as if shot from a cannon, pulled by the lift of 45 helium balloons, holding 33 cubic feet of helium each.
He didn't level off at 100 feet, nor did he level off at 1000 feet. After climbing and climbing, he leveled off at 16,000 feet.
At that height he felt he couldn't risk shooting any of the balloons, lest he unbalance the load and really find himself in trouble. So he stayed there, drifting cold and frightened with his beer and sandwiches, for more than 14 hours. He crossed the primary approach corridor of LAX, where startled Trans World Airlines and Delta Airlines pilots radioed in reports of the strange sight.
I like thinking he was avenging some family member(s) who died due to claim denials, or something along those lines. If we find out he's some Qanon weirdo operating on some conspiracy about endrinochrome or whatever, it's really going to dampen the vibes.
I would legitimately be down with a website that prefaces recipes with dark stories like this, instead of the mundane stuff about how your kid didn't like to eat anything but then you made this and blah blah blah
That page is very well done and interesting, thanks for sharing!
I heard the FBI has a file on Tulsi Gabbard and her activities with Russia et al. Biden could declassify that report to tank her becoming DNI. Mentioned on the "Hacks on Tap" podcast from yesterday, so this isn't just some social media conspiracy theory, it comes from plugged in politicos. Biden won't, but he could.
It's not part of the government. It will have no power or influence. It's a set piece, just part of the show. The point is to pretend to be focused on government waste and to bring in smart outsiders to do it. The point is to get liberals pissed off so Republicans can tell voters Democrats are so out of touch, they get mad at anything Trump does, even cutting government waste. It won't end up even issuing recommendations or doing anything, we'll all just forget about it in two weeks. Trump gets the headline, the reaction from libs who just love government waste, further eating into our negative perception among voters, and we'll all move on to the next outrage in the Trump show.
Learn the lesson now. Don't react to every dumb thing Trump does. He's a showman, there will always be a next act to keep the masses entertained, we don't have to play a supporting role all the time. Roll your eyes, demand he follow through and show results, ridicule him for failure when nothing comes of it. Save the outrage for when people are getting hurt.
an entity Trump indicated will operate outside the confines of government.
So this is just a blue ribbon commission that's going to collect donations, maybe government grants, write some kind of report, then send it to Congress where it will be promptly ignored because it's recommendations will be too politically toxic for actual Republicans up for reelection to implement.
This reminds me of 2016, Trump claimed he won the popular vote but millions of illegal aliens voted, so he set up some dumb commission to investigate all the election fraud. It held a hearing or two, wasted a bunch of money, didn't find any evidence of anything, then quietly disappeared.
Anyone on the left needs to be ready for this kind of shit and to respond appropriately. Trump will do a bunch of shit for show that doesn't mean anything. Part of that show is getting the libs all outraged and worked up. Then Trump and Co can say "Look at those Dems with their Trump derangement syndrome lashing out at our brave president trying to cut government waste, Dems are so out of touch, yada yada". This is the playbook, he's been doing it for a decade now. Don't play the game, save the outrage for real shit that hurts real people.
Then maybe show don't tell people that Dems are not the same. Get caught fighting for the people. Don't do a Monday morning CNN cable hit, or a press conference in front of usaid where you ask politely to be let in and then slink off when your told no. Force your way in to the department of education, get arrested with 30 of your colleagues. Do shit.