I mean, yes, but there are ways around it. Windows could have a public key embebed somewhere and the private counterpart gives access, the command could depend on the time it's received, so it's never the same and without the private key it's impossible to reproduce, and the Killswitch could be non-instantaneous, combine all of that and you have a Killswitch that:
- It's very hard for you to realize something happened, because by the time it happens the trigger is lost in a sea of other requests
- Even if you were to fine comb through all of that and spot it, it's encrypted
- Even if you were to resend it it would do nothing, because the time has changed
- Even if you managed to find the public key and decrypt it the actual content could be inocuos, like a random looking string
- As long as the private key is secure enough it would be impossible to crack
- Even if you somehow managed to crack it and send anything you want to the PC you don't know the protocol to generate the random strings and you only have the one example of the message (which no longer works)
- Even if several people did this the content could truly be random (in the common sense of the word, i.e. pseudo-random), since Microsoft controls the RNG on Windows they can use that to ensure that random data gets generated equally
And I'm not even a cryptographer, people who come up with new encryption protocols can surely do a lot better than my naive example above which would make it almost impossible for someone to figure out.