Hahah you're right fuck people looool
And my perspective is that if you're going to get pissed off about things like this then you should probably have a long hard look at yourself in the mirror lol.
Also in my experience it's not that hard to play the field and figure out when people you are talking to want to talk or want to just get straight to the point. 🤷🏻
Idk man. Sounds like you're projecting quite a lot lol.
I for one will continue the tried and true act of comradery amongst my fellow peers and continue to recognize that we live in a society with many facets of living. You can do whatever you want, but I like the idea of spontaneously sparking up conversations with strangers and neighbours and friends and family. It might be the worst thing ever to you, but using the phone to call people in the real world is no big deal lol.
Yeah but the world's not just some corporate environment where you can just schedule a call, nor is it all about wither or not you feel like you want to talk to people or not.
I mean it sounds like you're talking about specific scenarios in your life and not considering that picking up a phone and talking to someone is not much different than walking over to your neighbors and asking to borrow their wrench.
Sure you could text, but for god sakes man, where's your humanity?
Maybe life is a lot different than it used to be but when I look around at all these people defending so vigorously anti social behaviour, I can't help but think that inherently something is wrong.
It's not always about what I want lol
Fundamentally everyone here is putting a lot of effort into defending not participating in phone calls where as if they just picked up the phone the whole thing would be over now, but instead we're all texting eachother trying to prove our points ultimately getting nowhere.
It's kinda childish, especially when you need something done now that requires details and understanding with no failure.
Edit: not to say you can't achieve this with other forms but the idea that there aren't millions of situations where you picking up the phone is more advantageous than a text.
Where's the humanity in us all
Getting down voted for missing the point.