They've been bred to lay an extreme amount of unnaturally big eggs.
All the people eating any animals should take it into consideration
Animals would still be getting exploited and killed tho
You can do it :)
It can be scary thinking about it but give it a real try and you'll realize that it's actually much easier than you thought.
Trying is good but very real animals are still suffering for eggs and cheese.
Is it really wrong to think that the right amount of animal cruelty is none?
Go vegan
"So which one of your are gay?"
The animals you eat are specifically bred to be eaten, they would never be in the wild.
Being born to be fattened up and killed for profit/taste while living in shit conditions is not good in any way.
Eating meat is clearly unethical when we can easily thrive on plant based diets, needless violence is bad, nothing stupid about that.
Lions have no choice, we do.
Kiwi browser hasn't been updated in a long time, I wouldn't recommend it to people anymore, security updates and all that.
Yes, needless killing is bad.