I love how it's just pet pics and nature haha
Excellent! When pixelfed was growing I was going to join but abstained as there was no .ca instance yet. On and hoping to be active!
Find me @noveda for occasional bread/baking or dog content haha
Nope, was just hoping to understand your side of things a bit more, some context into how your opinions were formed. But clearly you're not interested in any type of discussion.
I'm not going to argue with you because there's enough other people doing that. What I am interested though is a few statistics about yourself to compare to what you're saying.
You claim to be part of a group who " works hard for a living"
Just wondering what your line of work is and yearly income.
Have you always voted conservative? does your family vote conservative or are you the outlier?
What social media platforms do you use?.
What region of the USA do you live in? Normally blue/ red?
It's ok world record is something like 14 iirc, but lowest I've been able to score was sub 23
Started my year off with a new computer and a portal speed run! Sub 27 mins with no quick saving was a solid start to the year.
Actually, playing portal on max graphics and getting 60fps was the real solid start 😅
Oooh! I've heard alot about The Outer Worlds so I throw in my ticket for that!
Thanks and Merry Christmas!
This comment here is peak Linux, and a perfect example of that xkcd comic.
99% of people probably couldn't even tell you what a syntax is. Let alone how it's relevant to using Linux
And then they will blame it on Trudeau and they will believe it.
Cons : we want lower taxes.
Libs: ok tax break?
Cons: not like that! 😡
Not date them, breed ala handmaids tale