If you don't get the reference it's perfectly fine to just not comment.
Entirely valid and I agree that continual growth is right at the heart of most of our problems. I guess most of my frustration comes from the fact we've had at least 40 years of warning, 20 more years of proper, severe warning and promises for action and now that we're seeing day in, day out that all the warnings were right, we're still not moving with any real purpose. I genuinely thought that COVID would show us what we need to do and how we could do it but nope, slipped right back into business as usual.
That wasn't always a thing. This is a new and rapidly evolving area with issues that will be solved. Hell, battery chemistry is changing rapidly already. ICE cars have been death traps for most of their life and are still at higher risk of going in flames and just as violently, case in point the car carrier that went on fire that everyone just knew was an EV, wasn't. It was a shitty old ice. Luton Airport too. Everyone knew that was a. EV. Was a shitty old diesel and that car park suffered serious structural damage because of it. In addition the AA claim that the majority of ICE fire are because of the 12v battery. None of this is new it's just different.
We don't have time to perfect and mature the tech though. That was 40 years ago. Now it's whatever fucking works that isn't fossil fuels and burning of them. It's a damn sight safer than an ICE which is actually carrying extremely combustible liquids in it too. It's not perfect but it's better and this kind of " we have to hold off" is effectively supporting the status quo which is fuckig everything up as it is.
Oh look. It's this one again. Honestly that list is like the worst fanfic from the people who would be banned by the horney hammer. Stop being suckered in and let the stories an characters tell their own story. You know why no one goes on about this shit in Star Trek? Because it's not supposed to matter. Aspire to this.
Round but pointy in places.