Any old broadcast recording that includes commercials is worth its weight in gold. And the more local / amateur-ish the commercials, the better.
I haven't seen it. But to be honest, I haven't watched a Marvel film since Avengers: Age of Ultron. It just feels like they're recycling the same stuff over and over.
Good memories. Although, it's a little embarrassing when Ajumma has her tent set up before you get your site set up. Generator, lights, gas stove, heater, tables, chairs, everything.
How spicy are you willing go go? My personal favorite right now is Beef Bone Broth; It's definitely spicy, but not overpowering. My second fav is Buldak; the flavor is good, but it can be a little too hot at times.
Both are great for making omelettes.
I remember those days, playing games with DOS4GW or whatever it was called. Man, I don't miss that.
Yeah, but this happens with every version. Windows 7 still had a big market share up until MSFT cut off support. Users are going to bitch and complain and talk about switching to Linux, but eventually just install the next Windows version.
Unfortunately, a certain government(all three branches) could make things very difficult for AMD if they don't play ball.
And we make it worse by saying "Just pick one. It doesn't matter what instance you're on because they're federated."
Some people are going to be very upset to find their local feed is a lot of content they don't agree with. Or when they go out into the fediverse and people automatically assume they're an A-hole because of the instance they're from. I mean, it's generally not that bad, but there are a few instances that are that bad.
And for people like me who gravitate toward smaller instances, that instance is probably gonna die. Happened to me twice already, 4 times if you count Mastodon and Peertube.
I assume they’re mostly going to “spare change” jars in people’s homes.
I've never understood that. Even if they accumulate a fair amount, now they have to roll the coins and take them to a very unhappy bank teller, or just dump them in a coinstar machine which takes a percent off the top.
I'm the exact opposite. I always try to get rid of my coins. I save a handful of quarters, nickels & dimes in my car for parking meters, but that's it. If I can't spend them, I'll just go to the credit union and deposit a $20 bill + 78¢ or whatever.
Plot twist - while I'm at the credit union, I ask if they have $2 bills. I got $80 worth last time. Now I'm the weird guy who tips in $2 bills. And people save those too, thinking they're rare or out of circulation.
ASUS' website has the 128Gb version at $2,800.
I guess if I get REALLY bored, I might do a fresh install and load up legacy drivers just to see what the performance is like with the old cards. It would be interesting to see how they stack up to the Vega APU.
I'm not going to actually use these cards, just trying them out for the heck of it.
Beautiful response.