You're going to use that "You're going to use that "is not better served in another way" clause to wiggle out of anything I might suggest, but okay." clause to wiggle out of anything they might suggest, but okay.
She lost by 2 mill votes, Biden won with 7 mill in 2020, and she got more votes than Trump in 2020. I wouldn't say he beat her badly. It sucks nevertheless.
Fuck that. If they want to put "AI" crap in all their products, they should have to deal with the same stupid bullshit we have to deal with when interacting with it. They made the chatbot and put it there, they should have to live with being "SLAMMED" in the media when it says stupid shit.
"Fails and Crain believed abortion was morally wrong. The teen could only support it in the context of rape or life-threatening illness, she used to tell her mother. They didn’t care whether the government banned it, just how their Christian faith guided their own actions."
A big caveat maybe that I've been making music for decades but only started playing drums a couple of months ago, so it's not going to be very efficient drumming + I'm a programmer, so my fitness is already very low :D
I noticed the same a while back and looked it up, and some website says 1 hour of drumming is about equal to 10k steps in burned calories. I don't know how accurate that is, but going by my sweat levels after 1 hour of drumming, I'm counting it.
Actually simpler, if you have an Asus router. Just remember to disable its telemetry stuff...
*until everyone stops using Windows. Except for business users, which probably don't get these nags anyway
I don't know what you want me to say, my 2019 Model 3 has a manual door release handle on top of the panel inside the door of the back seat? Maybe it's a EU regulation thing.
Also mine looks nothing like the manual posted. Just to point out, this wasn't a recent addition, there were model 3s with back door manual releases back in 2019.
Mine is from 2019 and I have to actually tell people in the backseat to use the button and not the handle, because it's so much more prominent.
You can add Markus Persson to that sample group
That feels a bit disingenuous. The record labels were already thoroughly fucking over musicians.