Seems very culty
I have just the mouse problem but it's such a big deal that it's making me look elsewhere. If it didn't have this problem I'd have absolutely no complaints
I think you forgot the link lol
I did mess around with sunshine a few years ago but couldn't get it working, I think that was when it hooked into geforce experience so might be time to revisit, thanks!
Parsec would be my go to, but they're missing Linux host support from memory, only able to use client
100% this, nvidia may be scumbag dickholes, but I've never had any problems with simple gaming on Linux with nvidia.
It's my solemn duty as an Australian to let you know that you're all a bunch of good cunts
I never noticed any because isn't federated with it, took me a while to realise this, just thought there wasn't any porn here yet
Fair point, call me uncultured but the only one I've ever played before this was Heat
I tried the newest one this past weekend and hated it. The fact those stupid cartoon effects can't be turned off is ridiculous
How long until they kill it?
TIL I can give people money on github, also didn't realise I already have github account so that made it easy