Mistral AI is a french AI company and they call their AI 'le chat'. If you enable dark mode, it changes to 'le chat noir'.
First time buying a short certificate, totally worth it. Fuck Tesla!
Sic semper tyrannis...
There is a difference between "we did this and it might have negative side effects. Let's reevaluate" and "we should not even try this because we should not try anything new, ever (because my imaginary friend in the sky said so, pinky-swear)"
No german would ever talk like that. Correct would be "Sie dürfen keine Feuerzeuge mit ins Flugzeug nehmen" (You are not allowed to bring lighters into the aircraft).
Fun fact of the day: That is why the little columns on which gun turrets are mounted are called 'barbettes' (little barbara)
That's true! I still play it from time to time, although I do not need the cheats nowadays anymore. There is something about the design that was never matched by any of the new doom games. For me, all the demons look the same in the modern games.
So in that regard it has not yet been superseded, at least for me.
Me too! I am such a negative person! Where's my money?
IDKFA & IDDQD and off you go. Lots of childhood memories.
That's a first rate ragebait for germans 😁
But it is still widely used.