Of course this is death by a thousand cuts. For me a lot of blame goes to the Reagan administration. They really set up the next 40 yrs plus with trickle down economics. It really hammered home that government is for profit of corporations, not a non-profit service for the people. Citizens United vs FEC (1988) also opened the flood gates to money in politics with no recourse by the public. It’s been a downhill from there in my opinion.
As an American living in Seattle area. Please invade Washington, so we can succeed it to you and join your fight. The new way of doing things here is to lie things into existence so we have a good shot at a non violent succession. All we have to say is Vancouver North and South are actually part of the same territory and use a sharpie to circle them on a map. Worth a shot at least. Assuming you would have us that is, please take us!
I have been practicing the 99 count down of breath.
Each breath count down.
Slow down your breathing as you count.
Your thoughts will drift off and that’s good, but come back to it as soon as you realize you stopped counting.
I rarely get past 50.
The more you practice the better you will get at it, as sleep likes routine.
Dicking around in the woods with my friends. Building forts, climbing trees, catching crawfish in the creek, playing war, ninjas, or wolf, riding our bikes off sketchy jumps. The woods were absolute freedom. It’s wild, we have a similar area of woods where I live now and my 11 year old daughter has zero interest.
Woops, you are right the case was 2010, Citizens United was founded in 1988.