I'm not sure how they're ordering everyone, but it generally seems to be worse teams to better teams, "team leaders" second, but I can't help but notice every team has their 2 drivers one after the other, except they put lawson before both ferrari and mclaren, and max last
I sliced a memory foam pillow to half thickness with a single edge razor and put it in the same case as a firm pillow. It's stiff as fuck for the first week or 2, but hoo boy is it the best pillow I've ever had. My wife kept stealing my pillow, so she got the other half of the foam pillow
If the dimms are in the correct slots, they should be in dual channel. I belive cpuz shows memory information. I did some more reading on mixing memory and I remembered things a little off. The rule of thumb to not mix kits only applies to if you're going for peak performance, but otherwise if you match speeds and timings it should work fine but you'll loose the top 0.5% of performance, which is margin of error. If you start mixing timings and speeds, it will all run at the lower speeds if it works,but you run the risk of incompatibility, which generally shouldn't be a problem, but you could get unlucky, so taking that risk is entirely up to you.
The only reson I can think of to want integrated graphics is because you have 5 monitors and graphics cards generally only have 4 outputs, but if that's not the case, you should be fine without. 5700x3d as another commentor said is decent, I would go look at the Gamer's Nexus charts to compare models.
Ram should only be used with the sticks in the kit because they are binned so tight. If they're off by a little bit, you'll lose a lot of performace, so you want to upgrade to 32 GB, you'll have to buy a 32 GB kit.
Sata drives need to be connected directly to the mobo, so if you want more storage, you'll have to swap a drive with no empty sata ports, but looking up your mobo, I'm seeing at least 4 ports, 3 in the bottom right and one spaced a little higher, so do you have disc drives or something taking up the other 2 ports left from your hard disks?
Winnipeg just has negative volume and beyond infinite density now
Depending on where you live, check memory express. They only have 10(?) locations nationwide, but i'm pretty sure they're in all the big cities
Stupid as it sounds, be in the mindset of the human equivalent of using psspsspss instead of walking over and just petting a cat. It's a goddamn miracle I'm married.
Well this is just perfect. I used to have aquariums and breeding is a sign your tank is in a good state, and when I mentioned that my fish were fucking in a discord group, it grew into pissman watches fish fuck/fucks fish. Just another meme leaning into the bit
Russia: it's obviously a very convincing puppeteer with IBS
So billionaires can get punished seriously... when they cause problems for other billionaires
Ikea does this with their app, but generally, you go to ikea to get one or two items, so it doesn't really speed up the proccess of checking out