Installed mint on an older computer I had so my oldest daughter could have a pc for school. She has had zero problems using it.
Excel is a fantastic tool. It is however not a database.
To me it seems as if the plan is to make it worse for the average person, up till a point that it is almost unbearable. Then spin the narrative blaming the other countries for the situation. Get the base riled up (history has shown that that is quite easy to do). Declare martial law and "expand" American territory.
-> No elections during war time?
Ah, just thinking out loud here. Probably overreacting...
He will be pardoned before it all starts.
I was going to say to have your cake and eat it, but with the price of eggs over there I'm not really sure they could.
Just short FYI, I don't know exactly your situation so I won't go to deep into it, but moving to another country with a dog is no big deal. If you are worried about the dog, they just want to be with you, where ever you go.
The children in cages at the border from the first time come to mind.
Cheapest energy in europe is in Scandinavia. Spain is cheap though, that is correct.
i remember that for me the only issue was which instance to join, just because i didn't understand instances. Could you see other instances, do you have to create a username on each, Is you username automatically on all of them. Can every instance see your posts, etc... I don't blame some people for being scared to switch to something new after spending a big part of their life somewhere that they got used to and build a "community".
People understand this, they are just saying that there was a choice between having a vote for the same, or voting for trump. And between those two chosing not for the same means voting for trump, even by not voting.
If they end up worse afterwards, don't complain. That one day of much needed work hopefully pays for the years that come afterwards.
Loved them. Only thing he did that I did not like that much was his cyberpunk review.