Every one of those got confused about the title and thought it's the new one.
I've played three time through Remake. First when it launched on Normal and Hard difficulty, and then again, last December in anticipation for Rebirth.
While I didn't mind too much my first time, the game definitely has a lot of very slow sections. Like you mentioned, you are constantly forced to walk very slowly, wait for animations, etc. It really feels like Square tried to pad the game a lot.
I really liked the combat at first, but my on Hard difficulty it got terrible. I was always annoyed, that your other party members just stood around and never attacked. Rebirth fixed it a little bit, since they actually are doing stuff, just deal basically no damage and don't get ATB charge. A few fights are also just terribly designed in my opinion, and Rebirth just doubled down here.
About things not carrying over, I was also a bit disappointed at first, that you basically have to start from scratch in Rebirth, but it wasn't a big deal. The sequel has other, bigger problems, in my opinion, that drag it down.
The main reason I still like the game, are the characters. If not for them, the very first playthrough would have been enough.
I probably would have tried it, but from all I've read, the battery life is garbage, so that's a no from me dawg.
My favorites are definitely the Xbox Elite controllers, but like you said, they got garbage build quality. First Elite had the same bumper problem, returned it, next one had the same issue. Elite 2 was the same, I think.
The Dualshock 4 and Dualsense worked without any problems for me on Windows (Steam). But my first Dualsense also had a problem after about half a year (returned it), and my current one has shut itself off occasionally while playing. I also just can't get used to the symbols on the face button and like the Xbox ABXY more. If I can change it in a game, I'll always set it to the Xbox variant.
I'm currently back to the 8bitdo Ultimate, which had some issues early on (I think connectivity), but it got some firmware updates and has been fine so far.
Finally, a rogue-like deck builder, there really aren't enough of these.
I played it with a friend and we had the exact same thoughts.
I have to check that out tonight. Performance was mostly alright for me, but yesterday in the Gold Saucer I had some big frame drops, every time the camera jumped in cutscenes.
Sometimes I want the freebies you get with the pre-order, sometimes it's about pre-loading.
before seeing actual reviews and not reviews against free/early access copies?
"Actual reviews", because you can only have an opinion on something, if you paid for it.
Yeah, I usually just follow the instructions, which seems to work 99% of the time. The main problem is usually if a mod still works with the latest game version.
I pre-order games. Steams refund policy makes it pretty much risk-free. Usually it's shortly before launch, if I want to play the game immediately anyway. For big games, reviews pretty much always come out before launch or on the day of, so I can still always cancel, if it looks bad. I don't remember regretting any of these purchases, even if I didn't like all the games.
I really have to get back to this. I played through Doom 1 and 2 when it first dropped, then wanted to go through Final Doom (Evilution and Plutonia) for the first time, but got distracted with other games.
There were also some minor bugs, that I hoped would be fixed, but to be honest, I don't even know what they were.
Happened in the past already, and was solved with a vBIOS update. It will probably be the same here, unless the parts were really lasered off or something.