If Democrats lost because people on the left refused to vote for them, they would be forced to change. Problem is everyone claims each election is an existential crisis (doubtful) so you're never allowed to withhold a vote or vote third party.
What do you mean by direct-to-content-producer? I can't find it on Google. Are you suggesting the viewers pay the content creator and the content creator pays YouTube for hosting?
Subscription is a reasonable funding method. It's also reasonably priced. I think the bigger problem is companies that refuse to offer subscriptions, because Facebook knows no one is dumb enough to pay $15-20 a month, but that is what they make off the ads so offering the service for anything less would cause them to lose money. Merely offering the subscription shows users how much Facebook really makes off of them.
YouTube is also very generous with how much they spit revenue with creators. I don't like that they exist as a monopoly, but at least they aren't parasites like the other half of the web.
Yeah I was tempted to add a caveat, it does technically auto executive, but because it needs to interact with the real world it will always run into the oracle problem. The only solution to the oracle problem is courts and tort law, which makes the blockchain contract redundant and unnecessarily expensive.
This was actually the original idea of non-fungible tokens, but because you need special legislation to tie an object to this digital receipt (there is nothing legally tying one thing to the other), they just skipped over it completely and said the NFT itself was the commodity, which is why they could only do it for digital art with the a web link. (we could, for example, see this more useful for a title to a car or house)
In fact, many NFTs don't even contain any language about copyright or licensing, they don't even attempt to pretend that the NFT holder owns the copyright. The owner of the NFT in these cases only owns the NFT, and not the copyright. Of course, you have to transfer the copyright separately from transferring the NFT, which makes this whole thing redundant for buying/selling on secondary markets, but they could have at least tried to pretend they could.
Apparently, smart contracts are not contracts at all... they are friendly suggestions. Unsurprisingly a contract needs a mechanism to enforce it, which makes decentralized contracts redundant at best (as you still need institutions outside of the blockchain to monitor and enforce the contracts), and or worse, completely useless if there is no legal way to enforce them.
The people that can actually make him look like an idiot refuse to interview or debate him (don't want to "platform" him, among other concerns), so he looks like a genius to people that don't know better.
People also seem to be concerned that he can bullshit his way through a debate by overwhelming people with fake facts. This is completely false, I've seen clips where he gets light pushback from relatively neutral speakers and he immediately folds or says something stupid.
People need to stop trying to sweep him under the rug, it only makes him look more authoritative and convincing to dumb people.
I don't like centralized religions either, and I think I agree with your points. But I'm just saying the line "The X of peace" is either so generic that it is a bland description of any ideology. All ideology hides it's violence behind self defense, and are therefore "peaceful". Or it implies that they are particularly peaceful, so it's a description of non-violent. But few ideologies would identify as non violent, and so they would not use that term to describe themselves.
As an outsider, I find American obsession over Jan 6th to be absolutely bizarre. At worst it was a riot. How exactly is a riot at the capital going to cause a coup? I'm guessing you too probably have overblown Jan 6th concerns but peoples response to your comment only confirms my thoughts. People are so entrenched in maintaining the "most dangerous thing since the civil war" that they are willing to consume their own over the smallest disagreements.
Also, these people claiming Trump would be worse in Gaza, but it's not clear the US would be worse in Gaza if Trump won, the US has put up zero road blocks currently and with Trump in the Whitehouse the democrats would actually push back against the genocide because Trump is now president. Plus more negative press from the corporate media, again, because Trump is in charge. Not saying it's the most likely case, but it can be argued.