
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago (4 children)

Considering what was before, it was a gradual step towards socialism. Nazi Germany existed for like 30 years.

Ah, yes. And Hitler clearly stated that he was a socialist... somewhere. You have to read between the lines of "Mein Kampf", where he clearly states that he's right wing. And all the companies who profited immensly from all that slave labour where juuuust about to be socialised. /s

Uhuh. Is Charles Fourier socialist?

Got any proper points, or are you just gonna "umm actually" me to death?

What is that even supposed to mean?

You're a weirdo who deserves to be ridiculed for having such a stupid worldview.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago (4 children)

They were talking about the exploiter class. The thing about class war is that one class takes the freedom to chose away from the other class.

You're claiming that people chose to be bullied after someone says that being a bully is a choice.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 4 days ago (6 children)

Are bolsheviks socialist?

No. They were state-capitalists.

He literally limited the profitability of companies to 6%.

You agree that companies made profits. That's a capitalist policy.

He’s non-marxist socialist. Not all socialist are Marxists.

I didn't say whether or not he was a Marxist. All socialists apply Marxist analysis at least partially. Even Bakunin agreed with Marx's theory.

Btw, fascists are Marxists.


I’m not an ancap.

You're enough of an ancap for me to care how you define yourself. You've proven enough how little of political/historical understanding you have.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago (4 children)

Oh, but somehow they ended up exterminating that social group instead of expropriating. Given the experience of the 20th century.

I'm not here to defend bourgeois revolutions. Explain how e.g. Nestor Makhno or the CNT/FAI "exterminated" the bourgeoisie.

I’m not a centrist. I’m right-wing. I’m so far right, that I consider nazis to be far left.

Yeah. I figured that you didn't have an internally consistent worldview.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 4 days ago (6 children)

They didn't say anything about thee poor chosing to be poor.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (8 children)

He persecuted socialists (basically the first people sent to concentration camps) and had capitalist policies? Any reason to suggest he was fond of Marx?

But Mr (assumed) "proletarians_must_suffer" probably thinks that "socialism is when the state does stuff".

Go bother someone else in some ancap forum, where you belong.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 4 days ago (11 children)

Claims the clown spouting "Hitler was a socialist". xD

[–] [email protected] 6 points 4 days ago (8 children)

You're strawmanning again.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago (3 children)

I don't consider China to be very left. It's a capitalist country. The same goes for other state-capitalist projects.

While there are authoritarian leftists, I think it's wrong to act as if these where the only part of the so-called "far left". How many genocides were committed by anarchists?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (6 children)

I'm actually more opposed to the term "exterminate". The far left would actually rather "expropriate" that certain "social group".

To "exterminate a social group" means genocide done by the exterminators. To expropriate the wealthy class usually means that the to be expropriated class shoots first.

But you centrists usually can't tell the difference between violence and expropriation.

Edit: I've been looking through your comments. "I never said 'social groups'! uwu" my ass!

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago (8 children)

I think it's fair to assume that you were the one who wrote "social groups".

Even if you didn't yourself say that term: You accepted the terminology, so I'll ask you: how are landlords a "social group" that the "far left" wants to "exterminate".

[–] [email protected] 13 points 4 days ago (2 children)

NSFW tag pls

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Ehrlich: wo ist der Witz?


Auntie Oedipus (@[email protected]):

One of the most toxic elements of democracy brain is viewing 51% as victory and 49% as defeat.


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The woman was wearing clothes so no headlines for her.


Finally someone who can clearly articulate why they -ote and still understand that electoralism won't get us truly progressive change.


Hi! Maybe y'all can help me out.

I have a Miyoo mini plus and sometimes, I feel the itch to play something just to fiddle around a bit. I'm looking for something that's easy to pick up and pla' for a few minutes up to maybe half an hour.

Bonus points if I can play it without needing to use my speech recognizing brain functions. It would be ideal if I can just occupy my hands a pit while still listening to what my colleagues say in remote meetings (I used to use a rubik's cube for that). ADD is a bitch.

I already got:

  • Apotris (really awesome, but a bit stressful after a while)
  • Wario Ware (can also get a bit stressful)
  • Pokemon Pinball Saphire and ruby (great, but has gotten a bit repetitive now)
  • ... that's it

It doesn't have to be GB/GBA, but I recon that those systems have the biggest bounty of pick up and play games. The Miyoo Mini Plus can emulate everything up to PS1, so SNES and PS1 would be fine, too.


It's an old video, but Jessie can use some extra traffic, so I'm doing my part.


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Europe has one of the most diverse seed industries in the world. In Germany, the Netherlands and France alone, hundreds of small breeders are creating new varieties of cereals, vegetables and legumes.

Relying on decades of careful selection to improve desired traits like yield, disease resistance and flavour, they adapt seeds to local environments through methods like cross-breeding.

This legion of plant breeders help maintain Europe’s biodiversity and ensure that our food supplies stay plentiful. But their work is under growing threat from the patent industry.

Although it’s illegal to patent plants in the EU, those created through technological means are classified as a technical innovation and so can be patented.

This means that small-scale breeders can no longer freely plant these seeds or use them for research purposes without paying licensing fees.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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