if you go to settings->user interface->menu you should have 3 other options if you don't like xmb: glui, ozone, and rgui show up as options to use instead of xmb on android phone version, and linux desktop versions.
Another vote for RecipeSage here, I like that it can scrape recipes from a URL, and I really like how it can scale ingredients by how many servings you want to make.
Not on steam deck but I play it on Linux pc and ps5. One of the coolest things about it is cross save, you can save your game on pc or ps5 then continue from that same spot on the other platform.
You can always use bandcamp. You own what you buy drm free and the majority of your spending goes to the artist. They get $0.01 for every 12 streams of a song on Spotify. purchasing one track on bandcamp is the equivalent of 1200 streams, purchasing an album = ~7200 streams.. I find the worst thing about them is that the app doesn't have the presence spotify has (not on playstation and some of the other platforms I use). It was also recently purchased by epic games so things might change..
This is one if the reasons they say not to try making your own spores and to restart batches with commercially purchased spores. One of the things people do with it is fast age steaks over 24 hours at room temp by growing a layer of it on the steaks surface (moldy steaks). Also isnt Aspirgillus is a mold not a fungi?
Wait until you find out about Koji and how soy sauce is made.
Sounds like the same training they give hospital employees.
I connect my LG because jellyfin works great on the built on web browser. I can also run it on a firestick or chromecast but I like the interface provided by the browser.
I bet Uber would have been cheaper than what he is facing now.