As one such ‘later’ zoomer, that is very true. Most of us are very alienated. I know some people who spent over half of their day on their phone when they’re not in school. I personally have to force myself to actually read, and talk to people, but I’m making some progress. I’m somewhat lucky for my attention span’s sake that I was a Redditor (no longer) and not a Tiktoker, as that seems to drain brains faster.
The original Winnie the Pooh thing if I remember right is some Chinese netizen making this comparison in a positive light. Online racists decided to say Xi looks like Winnie the Pooh “because he’s round and yellow” and also a Winnie the Pooh movie was not brought to China because they only bring so many foreign movies in any year, and that’s where the anti-China meme came from.
I love birches. When I was little I survived an overnight camp primarily on birch bark, and I’ve been wanting access to decent quantities of it since. Last year I finally got to planting multiple Black and Yellow birches.
Last week eastern North America was plagued by smoke for multiple days thanks to forest fires in Canada. Anyone who thought the west would be free from the environmental crisis, so they could keep on polluting was wrong.
I’ve went to a couple sunshine group (afaik) protests. They’re radlib GND types, but it might be worth trying to radicalize people and make them look to imperialism. I don’t know of any communist ones. I know in this age of climate catastrophe environmentalism should be a big part of the communist movement, so I’d be very interested if anyone knows of actual socialist groups.
Leftcoms be like:
I think this more applies to general Ultra-leftism. Left-communists are more likely to not support any AES ever, while even the Anarchists are willing to point to Catalonia.
No, most of them don’t even like Lenin because he seized power in a coup and did non-absolutely perfect stuff as the first leader of an actual socialist state.
I agree, if you have the results, it’d be nice to see them, but I don’t mind taking another survey later on.
I would not mind retaking it. It only took most of us like three minutes to do besides you lovely creators. I can respect you not wanting to go through the effort to redo it, but if you’re willing then great.
I’m imagining the bot starts debating itself based on different theorists. There could be problems where Trotsky or Duhring get the last word because Lenin and Engels did not feel like giving them the dignity of a response. Or, alternatively it might take some theorists as more authoritative and uphold their bad takes against newer updates. What if there is a chronological hierarchy which leads to a Hoxhist bot calling the USSR and China social-imperialist?
To anyone interested in space colonization I’d suggest a recent Everybody Loves Communism episode on the subject. Personally, I think space exploration to such an advanced degree you suggest is highly improbable considering the state of the neoliberal order. It’s socialism or barbarism. The multipolar world is rising and the environment is falling. The west will not have the means to keep funding failed space experiments for long. China will lead the new space race. Also, as many an environmentalist has said, we aren’t going to escape the climate crisis to space, a greatly degraded earth is way easier to survive on than a new uninhabitable planet.