
joined 4 years ago
[–] QuentinCallaghan@sopuli.xyz 3 points 2 days ago

Thanks for showing me that, fixed!

[–] QuentinCallaghan@sopuli.xyz 9 points 4 days ago (1 children)

This is just continuation of the same line of thinking, created by the infamous Great Barrington Declaration. Now Jay Bhattacharya & co get to reap what they sow... with mass death and disability.

[–] QuentinCallaghan@sopuli.xyz 10 points 4 days ago (1 children)

2019 alone might as well be 10 years ago.

[–] QuentinCallaghan@sopuli.xyz 107 points 4 days ago (7 children)

Next year it will be ten years since Harambe died.

submitted 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) by QuentinCallaghan@sopuli.xyz to c/suomi@sopuli.xyz

Huh, huh ja vielä kerran huh. Paljastan iästäni tasan sen verran, että alkuperäisen MoonTV:n aikoihin olin liian nuori. Kun vuonna 2010 uusi MoonTV aloitti, sitä tuli tietysti katsottua viikottain innolla. Tykkäsin Gamerissa Jarkon, Rainen ja myöhemmin Tontsan analyysistä sekä kostean sekoilun täyttämistä reportaasimatkoista ties mihin pelialan tapahtumiin. Yöruokaa-ohjelmassa oli kunnon kulinarista analyysia ravintoloista. Sitten oli vielä kaikenlaiset ruoan ja juoman makutestit. Oma suosikkini MoonTV-reportaaseista on käynti Hetero Pride -tapahtumassa eduskuntatalon edessä; nyt kun miettii, siitä tulee mieleen Channel 5 with Andrew Callaghan.

Myönnän toki etten ole viimeisen viiden vuoden aikana juuri vilkaissut MoonTV:tä, se on vain jotenkin jäänyt. Tosin tämä kuvaa myös MoonTV:n hyytymistä, mistä kertoo myös videoiden kaventunut julkaisutahti, eikä nettisivuillekaan ole päivitetty uusimpia videoita. Nettivideoiden tekeminen itsenäisenä tuottajana harrastepohjaisesti on hankalaa, ja YouTube totta kai asettaa omat hankaluutensa. Ja kuten Jaakkima sanoo, ei MoonTV:n tyyppien kiinnostus ole niin iso kuin alussa, joten sukupolvenvaihdos voi olla paikallaan.

Olen samaan aikaan sekä surullinen että toiveikas MoonTV:n suhteen, toivottavasti meno jatkuu uuden sukupolven voimin seuraavat 15 vuotta!

[–] QuentinCallaghan@sopuli.xyz 2 points 5 days ago

Not quite, the community is mainly geared for plugins that are used for tweaking and enhancing Lemmy user experience, whereas themes are only for aesthetic purposes.


I installed whole a lot of custom themes onto my instance recently, but I had to scour through the Internet for them. Is there a community dedicated to custom Lemmy themes, for both user styles (usable via Stylus) and ones we admins can install?

[–] QuentinCallaghan@sopuli.xyz 17 points 6 days ago (1 children)

As much as it's overused, "every accusation is a confession".


Previously this week I released a Lemmy guide in Finnish, as the platform has started to gain a bit more traction here. Based on that, I made an English version on my blog. I tell about what is Lemmy, how to choose an instance, how to find communities and how the interoperability with Mastodon works. I also tell a bit about mobile apps and my own experiences as an instance admin.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by QuentinCallaghan@sopuli.xyz to c/fediverse@lemmy.world

Previously this week I released a Lemmy guide in Finnish, as the platform has started to gain a bit more traction here. Based on that, I made an English version on my blog. I tell about what is Lemmy, how to choose an instance, how to find communities and how the interoperability with Mastodon works. I also tell a bit about mobile apps and my own experiences as an instance admin.

[–] QuentinCallaghan@sopuli.xyz 21 points 1 week ago (1 children)

This seems to be like a recent moral panic here in Finland about therian kids in schools.


Tein blogiini suomenkielisen Lemmy-oppaan, josta aiemmin puhuin. Käsittelen Lemmyn taustoja, instanssin valintaa, yhteisöjä, mobiilisovelluksia ja omia kokemuksiani ylläpitäjänä.

[–] QuentinCallaghan@sopuli.xyz 66 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (12 children)

He's getting really well into the Linux and FOSS rabbit hole. And he's also serving as a "celebrity role model" for people interested in switching to Linux. This can have lots of potential!

[–] QuentinCallaghan@sopuli.xyz 3 points 2 weeks ago

This headline might as well be from The Babylon Bee.

[–] QuentinCallaghan@sopuli.xyz 28 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

It's sickening how politicians and healthcare influencers are silent about long COVID and how the society as whole tries to pretend that there is no pandemic. The price for all that will be paid if H5N1 becomes a global pandemic.

[–] QuentinCallaghan@sopuli.xyz 19 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (3 children)

Actually Sopuli was founded in February 2021. Few months after Lemmy's federation got out of beta phase.

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