joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Thanks so much <3

Turns out I didn't have a file at /etc/hostname. I created one and now the problem is gone :)

Thanks so much for your help <3

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (3 children)

Typing xauth merge ~/.Xauthority did not work :/

However, I managed to reproduce the error by changing from my own phone hotspot to the hotspot of my boyfriend. When changing back from my boyfriend's hotspot to my own, I could open applications again. I looked at journalctl and I found this. It seems, that when I connect to my boyfriend's hotspot, my hostname is changed to 'boyfriend.telephone-company.com' (changed to preserve a bit of anonymity). When I change back to my own hotspot, the hostname is again changed back to 'archlinux'. It seems weird. I'll try to test again later today with other wifi-connections and see if it only happens with my boyfriend's hotspot. I've had some issues with his hotspot before, so it might just be it.

When connection to my boyfriend's hotspot:

Jan 09 10:00:45 archlinux NetworkManager[521]: <info>  [1736413245.1806] dhcp6 (wlp4s0): activation: beginning transaction (timeout in 45 seconds)
Jan 09 10:00:45 archlinux NetworkManager[521]: <info>  [1736413245.1821] policy: set 'Boyfriend - iPhone' (wlp4s0) as default for IPv6 routing and DNS
Jan 09 10:00:45 archlinux NetworkManager[521]: <info>  [1736413245.2177] dhcp6 (wlp4s0): state changed new lease
Jan 09 10:00:47 archlinux systemd[1]: NetworkManager-dispatcher.service: Deactivated successfully.
Jan 09 10:00:49 archlinux NetworkManager[521]: <info>  [1736413249.7206] policy: set-hostname: set hostname to 'boyfriend.telephone-company.com' (from address lookup)
Jan 09 10:00:49 archlinux systemd[1]: Starting Hostname Service...
Jan 09 10:00:49 archlinux systemd[1]: Started Hostname Service.
Jan 09 10:00:49 boyfriend.telephone-company.com systemd-hostnamed[1812]: Hostname set to <boyfriend.telephone-company.com> (transient)
Jan 09 10:00:49 boyfriend.telephone-company.com systemd[1]: Starting Network Manager Script Dispatcher Service...
Jan 09 10:00:49 boyfriend.telephone-company.com systemd[1]: Started Network Manager Script Dispatcher Service.
Jan 09 10:00:59 boyfriend.telephone-company.com systemd[1]: NetworkManager-dispatcher.service: Deactivated successfully.
Jan 09 10:01:19 boyfriend.telephone-company.com systemd[1]: systemd-hostnamed.service: Deactivated successfully.

when connecting back to my own hotspot:

Jan 09 10:01:42 boyfriend.telephone-company.com kernel: wlp4s0: authenticated
Jan 09 10:01:42 boyfriend.telephone-company.com kernel: wlp4s0: associate with 72:23:ad:c5:e6:0c (try 1/3)
Jan 09 10:01:42 boyfriend.telephone-company.com NetworkManager[521]: <info>  [1736413302.2633] device (wlp4s0): supplicant interface state: authenticating -> associating
Jan 09 10:01:42 boyfriend.telephone-company.com NetworkManager[521]: <info>  [1736413302.2633] device (p2p-dev-wlp4s0): supplicant management interface state: authenticating -> associating
Jan 09 10:01:42 boyfriend.telephone-company.com systemd[1]: Started Hostname Service.
Jan 09 10:01:42 archlinux systemd-hostnamed[1911]: Hostname set to <archlinux> (transient)
Jan 09 10:01:42 archlinux kernel: wlp4s0: RX AssocResp from 72:23:ad:c5:e6:0c (capab=0x1431 status=0 aid=1)
Jan 09 10:01:42 archlinux wpa_supplicant[574]: wlp4s0: Associated with 72:23:ad:c5:e6:0c
Jan 09 10:01:42 archlinux wpa_supplicant[574]: wlp4s0: CTRL-EVENT-SUBNET-STATUS-UPDATE status=0
Jan 09 10:01:42 archlinux kernel: wlp4s0: associated
Jan 09 10:01:42 archlinux NetworkManager[521]: <info>  [1736413302.2861] device (wlp4s0): supplicant interface state: associating -> associated
[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I can see where you come from, but as a gay man, I would go crazy if I had to enter every homophobic encounter with an open mind.

Also, entering an argument might not change the other persons mind, but it might change the mind of bystanders

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

Thanks for the answer :)

I'll look at it tomorrow, when I'm at my computer :)

[–] [email protected] 17 points 2 months ago (7 children)

While this post is talking about the internet, in general it is important to talk about "politics" with people (what is "political" ?).

If you don't talk to people about why racism, sexism, transphobia or something else is bad, they will bring that conversation to people who don't have the choice to ignore the conversation. They will harm and harass minorities.

I agree that the internet might not be the best place to change people's minds, but it is important to name and argue against bigotry when encountered.

You should of course still be mindful of your own mental health <3

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

For a long time, when using my computer (Arch linux), I would sometimes run into this problem. When trying to open an application in a new window, I'll be met by:

Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key
cannot open display: :0

I've tried a lot of "solutions" without luck, but I've finally found a way to consistently reproduce the error. It happens everytime I connect to a new wifi.

I found this 9 year old post about the same problem, but it does not include a real solution or the cause of the problem.

I'll try asking it here, to see if anybody knows why it happens and how to solve it, and perhaps to help others with the same problem find the cause of this error. It is such a relief for me, knowing that it is caused by changing wifi.

In advance, thanks for the help/feedback :)

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago (2 children)

where is this from ? :)

[–] [email protected] 97 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

just advertisment for Amazon - now people will talk about them and share this ad on social media :/

[–] [email protected] 30 points 5 months ago (12 children)

there is a lot of weird things about what you're saying, but for one:

the same amount or more petroleum would be spend on cultivating food for the to-be-slaughtered animals and transporting the meat around.

I'm not a vegan (anymore), but veganism is still the lesser evil here

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 months ago (1 children)

sadly, poor people often support/are fascists too :(


what are your thoughts on browsing the "All" feed ? especially your thoughts on what should be marked nsfw and what should not

I have a lot of thoughts about this, but I am curious about how other users feel :)

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 months ago (1 children)

I just checked his YouTube channel and a lot of his videos have alt-right rhetoric or dog-whistles in the title or thumbnail.

he does not strike me as a nice person :/

[–] [email protected] 8 points 5 months ago

we should really get rid of the idea of the "friendzone".


I think this article explains it fine, but to summarize:

it comes from an idea that men (especially 'nice guys') deserve sex from women for being in their proximity.

being friends with someone should be a good thing and not just the waiting zone for a relationship.



I installed this driver (https://github.com/morrownr/8821au-20210708).

The driver however, did not work until I ran a script called remove-driver.sh from the driver that I used to use (https://github.com/morrownr/8821cu-20210916). Then the wifi adapter started working again :)

Thanks a lot for the help - I am still not really sure what the problem actually was, but I'm very thankful for having my internet connection back :)

//Original post below:

Hey :)

I've been using a wifi adapter for my computer for about a year. A few days ago, it suddenly stopped working. It no longer shows up when I run 'nmcli device' in the terminal. When running 'lsusb' it still shows up as 'Realtek Semiconductor Corp. 802.11ac NIC'.

To my knowledge I hadn't updated anything before it stopped working. After it had stopped working, I used usb-tethering from my phone to do a system update, hoping it would fix the problem. I think one of the updates was a linux firmware update. Anyways, it didn't fix anything.

The adapter didn't work out of the box. It arrived with a driver called 'RTL88x2BU' and a document stating that it was compatible with the following chip drivers for linux: RTL8811AU RTL8811CU RTL8812BU RTL8814AU

I couldn't get the driver it arrived with to work, so instead I downloaded this driver and have been using it until it stopped working. https://github.com/morrownr/8821cu-20210916

this driver only states that it supports some linux kernel version. I'm using '6.8.0-40-generic', which it does not claim to suppport. I download this driver, which should support my kernel, but it didn̈́'t work either. https://github.com/morrownr/8821au-20210708

I've tried running lsmod on my system, and it seems to be, that no wifi driver even starts. The only thing I can remember doing just prior to my internet not working, was running 'systemctl disable jellyfin.service'. I doubt that has anything to do with this, but I'm not sure what else it could be. My only other theory is, maybe the usb wifi adapter hardware just gave up.

Any help is appreciated ^^


I've recently bought a used computer, and it has a few problems. I'm looking for a guide to help me identify which parts are causing the problem.

I've tried to watch and read a few guides on how to build a pc, but they haven't given me any information on how to identify broken parts.

I'm interesting in a guide, but I'll also post my specific problems, if any of you know how I might fix them ^^

the problems I'm experiencing are the following:

the screen will sometimes glitch out with black areas when watching movies, but only when in fullscreen. The problem usually disappears for some time when exiting and re-entering fullscreen mode.

The computer won't run certain drivers and sometimes when powering off, the computer will use a long time closing certain applications, but will fail in the end and I have to power it off manually. Also, it will sometimes reset my settings. Back to factory wallpaper and factory everything. it remembers my users and my applications.

I've grouped them into two paragraphs, because I have an idea, that the graphical problem might be caused a bad GPU.

I have no idea, what's causing the stuff in the second paragraph 😅

also, I hope this is the right community for this question - I couldn't find any communities specifically for computers.

any help is welcomed ^^


Thanks for the help :))

I removed the gpu and now only use the integrated graphics in the cpu, and the visual glitches are gone :))

I've run some tests on the computer (from the boot screen), and it seems the memory is fine. The only driver I know to be a problem is the driver for my WiFi usb. I'll try to work on that, or maybe I'll buy a WiFi card and pray that works better ^^

thanks for the help :))


All my problems are fixed now ^^

the wallpaper change was because I am a doofus and forgot that I had made a new user on the computer, which of course had the default wallpaper 😅

the driver problem was only with my WiFi adapter, and I fixed that by removing the current driver (rtl8812ub) and installing another driver (rtl8811au), which fixed the problem :))

thanks for the help :))

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I just saw somebody on mastodon share this fact, and I wanted to share it here too :))

It can be explained by the follow:

2025 = 2024 + 1

2025 = 45²

45 = 1 + 2 + ... + 9

(1 + ... + n)² = 1³ + ... + n³

and since 1³ is just one, we get the above equation for 2024 :))

This also means that next year will be even nicer, as it will include the 1³ :))

Do you have any other interesting facts about 2024 ? :))

The best name I've found for the last formula is just "Sum of consecutive cubes". I had never heard about that relation before, it really is bizare how math is connected sometimes :))


Hey, I hope this is the right community for this question :))

I volunteer at a local place, but they only communicate through a facebook group that I never check. My question is -

Is there a way to get a notification, whenever there's a new post in the group, hopefully through some FOSS :))

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

//Edit: It's a SAS drive. thanks for the help :))

I bought two of these a long time ago, and I recently tried to connect them to a SATA III connector without luck. The size seems to match up, but the block between the two pin segments seems to block it from connecting with SATA III.

Can you help me figure out what kind of adaptor I need ? :))

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