*if your goal is to eliminate hunger in a hypothetical future 5 years from now.
I think it’s a mistake to think that donating $50,000 to a charitable organization in 5 years is more important or “better” than buying $100 of groceries for someone who needs it today.
This person isn’t trying to maximize the amount of “good” they can do, they’re trying to minimize what it will cost them because they’re greedy and unwilling to actually give something of themselves.
“Giving all you have” doesn’t have to mean taking all of your money and possessions and just giving them to someone. It can also mean earnestly engaging with the idea that we’re here to serve and elevate each other, and having faith that in doing so we will create a better world.
I’d say the biggest problem with AI is that it’s being treated as a tool to displace workers, but there is no system in place to make sure that that “value” (I’m not convinced commercial AI has done anything valuable) created by AI is redistributed to the workers that it has displaced.
Maybe Vinland Saga.
Hard work and passion.
Sometimes staring into the abyss lets me surpass my panic and find a certain peace that motivates me.
For example after reading “Before The Law” I thought to myself “I wonder what the man’s life would’ve been like if he chose not to seek entrance into the law, but instead lived by his own principles. It could’ve been a whole different story.”
Cool! I felt like I just read a weird version of Samurai Jack. I’ll have to check out more of his work.
I feel like I should read at least one book by Kafka. Any recommendations?
The dark ages.
I’m downloading this and contributing to prove the haters wrong. Y’all are gonna regret not being able to say “I toad a so” like me.
I think this meme would be more funny without the “even”.