
joined 2 years ago
[–] RagingHungryPanda@lemm.ee 1 points 3 days ago

that would probably be better as an app, rather than a hosted service.

I run picsur. It's not an image resizer like that. It's like Imgur, but self-hosted and can take size arguments as part of the query. I use it to host images for a markdown based blog and keep the sizes under control.

On a side note, I recently started noticing so many sites that use full sized images regardless of the actual size it shows up on screen.

[–] RagingHungryPanda@lemm.ee 1 points 3 days ago

Can you share some screenshots? It sounds like you're not even reaching the service.

[–] RagingHungryPanda@lemm.ee 23 points 4 days ago (4 children)

I showed redline to my family who would absolutely hate anime and they asked me for more like it. Unfortunately, there isn't.

[–] RagingHungryPanda@lemm.ee 2 points 1 week ago

It was a huge pita to get it running, but I have it.

One thing about the WA bridge is that element won't let me give display names or look up the contact number, so the people in chatting with don't have names, just "their number (WA)"

[–] RagingHungryPanda@lemm.ee 11 points 1 week ago

Happy birthday!

[–] RagingHungryPanda@lemm.ee 2 points 1 week ago

For backups, I have two drives that are striped and do nightly backups to idrive. I was able to find a containerized version of the console app and I have it run on a schedule from 3-7am.

I use NPM to redirect a domain name to the server with https.

[–] RagingHungryPanda@lemm.ee 7 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (2 children)

I'm currently using write.as. It's a pretty bare-bones setup when in single user mode and doesn't give the kind of list view you might expect for readers - it loads everything onto a single page. I'm considering maybe using Ghost, which is another big name in the federated blogging space. Write.as doesn't come with comments by default, but I was able to add cactus-comments, but it was a huge PITA because it requires a matrix server.

I do, however, like the minimalist UI aspect of it. You can take a look at mine here. I was also able to get around the list thing by using pinned posts, which stay at the top, so I made an about, a directory, and subscribe pages.

Write.as will post to mastodon under an account that it creates and I have myself on mastodon as a verified owner of the blog site.

[–] RagingHungryPanda@lemm.ee 5 points 1 week ago

I don't really know what town or how good the public transit is, but interns don't really make anything. Advocating for a transit allowance or something that could cover public transit and could be used to help with parking could be good. If they live in town, going over biking or transit options with them could also be good, and maybe also "park and ride" options as well. But yeah, $18 daily when you're an intern isn't easy.

[–] RagingHungryPanda@lemm.ee 10 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I haven't played it, but is this disco elesium?

[–] RagingHungryPanda@lemm.ee 26 points 1 week ago (1 children)
[–] RagingHungryPanda@lemm.ee 4 points 1 week ago (2 children)

is the baby federating?

[–] RagingHungryPanda@lemm.ee 11 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Becky Chambers wrote 4 books that did a really good job of exploring different species getting by with their differences not just in culture, but also in things like how they speak (one species has 5 vocal chords, so you literally cannot speak their language) or 'how does publich transit account for different butt shapes?'

But on to your question on pet peeves:

  • throwing science-y words out there that make no sense is probably my biggest.
  • deus ex-machina - getting saved at the knick of time by something showing up without warning, but that's just bad writing. I actually like how the Orville series removed transporters as a tech. It's actually a bad plot device.
  • but yeah, like you said, things that are obvious but are removed from the show, like cameras

I have a gl-inet router on which I have an nginx config to send traffic to Nginx Proxy Manager and DDNS with cloudflare.

I'm trying to get some kind of local dns set up so that if I'm on the local network, traffic stays within the network. The problem that I'm running in to is SSL certificates. NPM (on the server) is handling those and I thought that what I could do is go into the AdGuard Home (on the gl-inet router) config and add a dns rewrite to point to the router and traffic would flow as it normally does.

This DOES work, technically. traceroute shows only one hop for any of my subdomains, ie files.mydomain.com.

But I cannot actually get access in a browser because the ssl certificates are not set up.

It seems like options are: manually copy certificates from the server to the router (not ideal), or don't do it at all. I notice that if I go to the service by ip address, it'll change the address to the domain name. Eg going to -> files.mydomain.com.

This isn't a HUGE deal, but it's not preferable. How have you all solved this?

Edit: I solved the issue in probably the most hilarious way. I was trying to get the forwarding and everything set up and then borked my routers firewall so bad I couldn't get to the outside at all, so I did a hard reset.

I then moved my admin UI ports up by one each (81/444), re-set up Goodcloud, ddns, Wireguard server on the router, then set up port forwarding for 80/443 on the router to 80/443 on the trunas server. I switched NPM to listen on those ports (since I moved the web UI to different ports), then added Adguard Home DNS rewrites. It's now all working as expected.

Local traffic only has one hop and is accessible without SSL warnings, and same for WAN traffic. Thank you all for the help!


Starting at midnight Thursday night through midnight Friday night, we will be joining with people across the country and beyond to demonstrate our collective outrage over the hostile takeover of our government by unelected billionaires and by those who put profits before people.  For one day, this Friday, we pledge not to buy anything from any major online or in-person retailers, and we pledge to refrain from using credit cards.  We recommend staying away from Facebook, Instagram, and “X.”   


This action began as a protest against those corporations who abandoned diversity, equity, and inclusion programs to placate a white supremacist administration.  Those corporations include Target, Citi Bank, Google, and Disney.  It quickly expanded into a “Buy Nothing Day,” with particular recognition of the role of finance capital.  The concept of Economic Blackout 2/28 has quickly spread on social media, propelled by activists, faith communities, students, and rank-and-file workers everywhere.  The movement goes beyond our borders. In Canada, consumers will target USA-based companies to protest Trump’s tariffs, and Mexicans will participate in the Latino Freeze Movement to protest US anti-immigrant and anti-DEI policies.


Please participate in this action! It is a simple act that we all can accomplish and that can quickly add up to a collective impact. 

Sign our pledge today!


In resistance,

National Board, CPUSA


I'm starting to get in to self hosting and am looking at self-hosted blog solutions. It looks like WriteFreely is the main fediverse blog platform, with Plume as second though I don't see it used much.

But that got me thinking that it'd be good to follow federated blogs and have some long form reading that I follow, like we did back when RSS was the main way of doing things.

But how do I actually find bloggers? It looks like WriteFreely can federate with Mastodon, but it doesn't look like there's a federated blogging platform like lemmy or mastodon. Is this correct? Where I can I go (other than Medium) to find blogs and bloggers in the fediverse?


I previously posted about an issue where the nginx container for the Collabora application logs a GET to /robots.txt every 10 seconds. I tried modifying the files in the container, but they were reset on restart. I also tried to run the container with --log-driver=none, but was unsuccessful. Despite being a software dev, I'm new to the homelab world and trunas.

I solved it by changing the docker image and then committing those changes. The change I made was to set access_log off; in the nginx config. I did it at the server root because I don't really care about those logs for this app, but it could be done on the location level.

Here's how I did it: Here's the reference SO post that I used: https://stackoverflow.com/a/74515438

What I did was I shelled into the image:

  • sudo docker exec -it ix-collabora-nginx-1 bash
  • apt update && apt install vim
  • vi /etc/nginx/nginx.conf and add the access_log off;
    • if you're not familiar with vim, arrow key to the line you want then press 'a' to enter "append mode". Make your change, then esc, :wq!. You need the ! because the file is read only
  • apt remove vim
  • exit
  • sudo docker commit <image id>
  • sudo docker restart ix-collabora-nginx-1

I'm running TruNas Scale with a docker image for NextCloud and Collabora. Under Collabora, the nginx application is logging a GET to robots.txt about every second and I'm having a hard time filtering this out because it looks like the conf files for nginx get replaced on every restart. I also tried mounting my own version of the nginx.conf file, but that didn't reflect any changes.


I came back across this homage to 80's anime


I don't know if it's because I've been watching Factorio on YouTube or not, because I have not been searching for peanut butter. But anyway, so that's how you do it.

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