Fun, I’ll check it out! Reminds me vaguely of a more organic Tipper style cover.
Completely! I’ve heard about it from a few people and I want to go soooo badly.
I reeeeEEEEEALLY went to go.
I first learned of it from a video with one of my favourites, doseone.
My sister got to see him a year before his death. She said the show was incredible. She talked to him after the show and he made her extremely uncomfortable. But she said it was okay because she was aware of his mental state. She was very sad when he died.
Every time I hear of KMFDM, I can’t hear it in anything other than Wesley Willis’ voice (RIP)
It’s an incredible art exhibit. Extremely inventive and fun. I have never been but I know people in America who have, and zero of them have been underwhelmed or disappointed. It’s my number one desire if I ever find myself near there.
OmegaMart if you’re near Vegas lawl
No it doesn’t. I got this error earlier on a random web search in private mode, not logged in.
Jesus Christ, I haven’t seen those before! What’s that cost?!
Some bullshit = my dumb lazy ass ordering delivery for the third time this week, at least it’s food and not booze this time
My computer’s mobo was so shitty, it played .midi files badly. I was shocked when I went to a mate’s and the same midis sounded like the song they’re actually supposed to be.