I got like 10 follows in three days from actual accounts. I've posted/replied just a few times and my avatar is Richard Simmons. I figured something was up
I always imagined him as the guy at the end of Road House where Patrick Swayze ripped his throat out and round-housed him into the pond. But he survived, left the redneckville and turns out half of his vocal cords was left intact.
And that's the rub. Is she really 'pro genocide'? That is the question
We're not in a vacuum. Two things can be true. She can honestly be pro Israel but also hope the turds that are the Likud Party lose power, work to end the genocide, and find a two-state solution - that is, if Hamas and Bibi will allow it, which they won't.
This binary all-or-nothing, zero sum bs is just toxic and ignorant.
They never organize, canvass, campaign.. they never put in the work. It's easy to sit on Twitter all day and disparage the Democratic Party (yes they have many flaws as well) and nothing else.
They're lazy grifters.
What exactly did Jill Stein do with that $7 million for the recount? She was interviewed by Mehdi Hassan and he kept asking her why she won't call out Putin when she has no problem calling out Bibi. Yes two things can be true at once. She just couldn't explain why she refused to call Putin out on his war mongering and genocide.
It's a huge tablet screen, probably running Android or if I had to guess. I haven't bothered trying to look. Joining my friends in classes was fun and the mini social network aspect of it, especially during the lockdowns. But in the end the stationary bike aspect works and I dont have to pay to go to a studio somewhere
So yeah, delete your account(s)
Wife and I bought a Peloton. It works well, we love it. I'm going to cancel the subscription and just use the damn thing without attending the classes etc like an old school stationary bike.
Sucks bc I enjoy a couple of the classes but this is BS
I will always cherish my time volunteering for him.
One less Trump voter. Put the guillotine on PPV to subsidize M4A.
I agree and I'm happy to pay more. I just hope this doesn't go away.
I love using it for writing scripts that need to sanitize data. One example I had a bash script that looped through a csv containing domain names and ran AXFR lookups to grab the DNS records and dump into a text file.
These were domains on a Windows server that was being retired. The python script I had Copilot write was to clean up the output and make the new zone files ready for import into PowerDNS. Made sure the SOA and all that junk was set. Pdns would import the new zone files into a SQL backend.
Sure I could've written it myself but I'm not a python developer. It took about 10 minutes of prompting, checking the code, re-prompting then testing. Saved me a couple hours of work easy.
I use it all the time to output simple automation tasks when something like Ansible isn't apropos