What kind? Asking for a friend.
These companies are revealing their true colors now that they think it's acceptable to do so.
I second Battlestar Galactica. I keep meaning to rewatch it. All of this has happened before, all of this will happen again.
What country do you live in?
Thanks, I'll start there. Already have a raspberry pi so might go the hat route.
What's the best way to get into this? I've watched a few youtube videos a while back and it seemed interesting. I couldn't tell if the Youtube visits were promotions or not though.
I want to do this but really the only thing holding me back is my phone.
We cancelled Amazon Prime, and I won't buy on their platform anymore. I bought something off Ebay, and sure enough it came from Amazon anyway. I guess they either dropped shipped or they fulfill their orders. I've bought a few things straight from the company and the price was the same. Shipping took a little longer, but I'll gladly wait if means not supporting these companies that grovel to dictators.
I was about to pick up an a1 mini. Are there alternatives for beginners in that price range?
Those scare me quite a bit. Seems like you would more control with a drill attachment, although not as much power/rpm obviously.