The same as any other accumulation process. Those unable to sustain themselves fall off the bottom and those with any remaining wealth are restratified into a hierarchy of the most to least wealthy.
The cycle begins again!
The same as any other accumulation process. Those unable to sustain themselves fall off the bottom and those with any remaining wealth are restratified into a hierarchy of the most to least wealthy.
The cycle begins again!
It's almost like They realized something...
I second Piranesi.
I repeat, I remain your most obedient servant!
I shall be adopting "like triffids" into my everyday vernacular from now on.
Yes I need that sand to stars wallpaper. If you would be so kind as to provide a link to a copy of the highest fidelity you have access to, I would be eternally grateful.
I remain your most obedient servant, Ranta.
I'm going to need you to drop that pape here brother.
Did you make this mockup or has the current state of American legal reporting devolved into a Sportsnet style scoreboard?
Super R-type is a game I owned as a kid and have no idea who got it for me or how it ended up in my collection.
It was always the "difficult" game in my collection as a child.
That's awesome! My wife and I got into Puzzles during the pandemic so I started designing puzzles I wanted to spend time putting together.
I would love some feedback if there are any I particular you enjoyed!
Daily journal Task list / project management Note taking Mind mapping Resource archive
I've got my vault automated pretty well at this point. I honestly don't know what I would do without it.
For those of you that are wondering, everything is markdown independent, all of my plugins address UI or vault automation processes that leave all of my information entirely portable.