EDIT: No I don’t have invites, before anyone asks.
Yeah, this is also a problem though. I'd love to be on a private tracker as I was in the past, but once you're out it's just too much of a hassle to get back in.
That's the spirit!
My rule of thumb has always been to share to ratio 1.1. Side thought: Maybe there's a funny correlation between birthrates needing to be 2.1 for a stable population, the extra .1 to make up for deaths, and well, the 2 is because it takes two to make a baby.
You got me remembering this cooky song. Catchy but the Post America channel was kinda nuts, shame they had their channel removed, not sure if they got banned of they did it themselves. (I wouldn't be surprised if it was an inside job)
Are you one of those lucky ones where medicine just works on the first try? Perfect dosage day one? Because you'll find many cases of ritalin aka methylphenidate not working for many people, that's why I asked, what with this being the ADHD memes sublemmy. Thanks though for pointing out they answered it elsewhere in the comments 👍
I'm in the kiddie pool, so I do look things up or ask what stuff does. Even though I looked at the man page for printf (printf.3 I believe), there was nothing about %*s for example, and searching for these things outside of asking LLM's is some times too hard to filter down to the correct answer. I'm on 2 lines of code per hour, so I'm not exactly rushing.
Shell scripting is quite annoying to be sure. Thinking of learning python instead.
I did go out of my way to check creation date and modified date on those folders to try and assess whether I had copied the statistics over from my distrohop. Might've been old stats plus new, I'm not too sure. I should really start using
cp -a
instead of just drag'n'drop in dolphin..