"That was cool"
Too busy threatening rail workers with the national guard
Means.TV is better.
Some amazing documentaries on there about the genocide such as 'Gaza fights for freedom' released in 2019
Yeah, one of the early replies in the original 173 post was mocking them for being a ripoff of the Dr who monster
This is a squircle
Somewhere in the ballpark of 50 DeVito's
Reddit.com/r/piracy is also a good place to avoid. Especially their well documented megawiki with lists of loads of sites that facilitate copyright infringement for all forms of media. Avoid at all costs.
Learn something new everyday
Assuming its midday, and the moon is on or near the horizon, it would actually still be seen for an additional 1.3 seconds after we see the sun disappear. If its high in the sky however, it would disappear only a few ms after the sun, unless it was in a full or partial eclipse, where it would disappear at the same time to our eyes.
Yeah, but this requires that the light be travelling through a dense medium to slow down. It still speeds up again when travelling through air or vacuum
Funny how none of the claims in the article include any sources.