Specifically sponge cake? Like seriously?
I was totally reading this title thinking it was extending the shelf life of all foods generally and stuff, then they drop "Sponge Cake" in there instead. 🤣
I'm right there with you. Maybe us THPS fans all just have a "fuck the man" mentality and refused to buy from Epic. Then again, this game never got cracked, either...
I'm not advocating for ignorance. We should still be as informed as we can be. Optimism and pessimism show up when there are unknowns.
It's ultimately best to be correct and happy, which is achievable, just not if you're pessimistic.
Fuck yeah. Nice work FBI. 👌
Because it's all for you. You're protecting yourself from disappointment.
Time almost always proves you correct, and very occasionally, you're pleasantly surprised!
But what about everyone else around you that you care about? Being pessimistic tends to wear on them and simply for personal gain.
I'd rather be wrong than unpleasant.
Probably not this, but your description reminded me of it. Lol
Pretty selfish outlook, wouldn't you say?
Yeah, the ISP cartels sucks. I've been stuck paying $170/mo for uncapped 1000/35mbps connection.
Thankfully, before the end of the year, a local ISP is moving into my area. They offer uncapped symmetrical gigabit, for $75/mo... I'll be saving $95/mo for BETTER service.
The longstanding ISP cartels should seriously be punished for the abuse of their market positions and failure to appropriately use government funding they've been given.
LTT, for better or worse, is a very popular tech/PC gaming entertainment YouTube channel. A lot of the younger folks in the nerd space probably grew up watching his content.
I started watching a little late, because I thought he seemed kind of annoying back in the day, but I actually do enjoy their content. It's clear they have some organization and communication problems internally that they need to sort out, though.
I mean, it's still another pretty big company, but the Shopify "Shop" app is actually pretty great as an alternative to Amazon.
Basically, all the businesses using a Shopify online storefront are amalgamated and searchable in one app, and the UI is pretty solid, too. I really like that a business can have their own website with a storefront, but also be there for convenience and still be in the same system.
Doing God's work over there.